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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, E, G, M, O and S

AMIDOGENSamidogens n. Plural of amidogen.
AMIDOGEN n. a derivative of ammonia in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by an acid radical.
DOGMATISEdogmatise v. Alternative form of dogmatize.
DOGMATISE v. to assert positively, also DOGMATIZE.
FOGEYDOMSFOGEYDOM n. the world of fogies, also FOGYDOM.
GAMBADOESgambadoes n. Plural of gambado.
GAMBADO n. a leap made by a horse, also GAMBADE.
GAMODEMESgamodemes n. Plural of gamodeme.
GAMODEME n. a somewhat isolated breeding community of organisms.
GLADSOMERgladsomer adj. Comparative form of gladsome: more gladsome.
GLADSOME adj. feeling pleasure.
GREEDSOMEgreedsome adj. Characterised or marked by greed; avaricious.
GREEDSOME adj. greedy.
IDEOGRAMSideograms n. Plural of ideogram.
IDEOGRAM n. a symbol that stands for a concept rather than a word.
LIEGEDOMSliegedoms n. Plural of liegedom.
LIEGEDOM n. the condition of being a liege.
LODGMENTSlodgments n. Plural of lodgment.
LODGMENT n. a temporary place to live, also LODGING.
MEGADOSESmegadoses n. Plural of megadose.
MEGADOSE n. an abnormally large dose.
MEGAPODESmegapodes n. Plural of megapode.
MEGAPODE n. one of a family of birds of Australasia, including jungle fowl, brush turkey, etc., also MEGAPOD.
MISLODGEDmislodged adj. Badly or incorrectly lodged; kept in an unsuitable place.
MISLODGE v. to lodge in a wrong place.
MISLODGESmislodges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mislodge.
MISLODGE v. to lodge in a wrong place.
MODELINGSmodelings n. Plural of modeling.
MODELING n. the art of making a model.
SAVAGEDOMsavagedom n. A savage state or condition; savagery.
savagedom n. (Collectively) Savages.
SAVAGEDOM n. the state of being savage; savages collectively, also SAVAGISM.
SINGLEDOMsingledom n. The state or sphere of those who are single (unmarried or unattached).
SINGLEDOM n. the state of being unmarried or not involved in a long-term relationship.
SMIDGEONSsmidgeons n. Plural of smidgeon.
SMIDGEON n. a very small amount, also SMIDGEN, SMIDGE, SMIDGIN.
WORDGAMESwordgames n. Plural of wordgame.
word␣games n. Plural of word game.
WORDGAME n. a game in which words are used.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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