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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, E, G, 2I and P

DEPICTINGdepicting v. Present participle of depict.
DEPICT v. to portray.
DEPRIMINGdepriming n. (Firearms) The action of the verb to deprime; the removal of primer from cartridge.
depriming v. Present participle of deprime.
DEPRIME v. to remove the primer from eg a shell.
DEPRIVINGdepriving v. Present participle of deprive.
DEPRIVE v. to take something away from.
DESPISINGdespising v. Present participle of despise.
despising n. An act of despising.
DESPISE v. to look down upon with contempt.
DESPITINGdespiting v. Present participle of despite.
DESPITE v. to treat with contempt.
DIAPERINGdiapering v. Present participle of diaper.
diapering n. The act of clothing somebody in a diaper.
diapering n. A regular pattern of the same shape, evenly spaced.
DIPLEGIASdiplegias n. Plural of diplegia.
DIPLEGIA n. paralysis of a part on both sides of the body.
GUIDESHIPguideship n. The role or status of guide.
GUIDESHIP n. the state of being a Girl Guide.
IMPENDINGimpending adj. Approaching; drawing near; about to happen or expected to happen.
impending v. Present participle of impend.
impending n. Something that impends or threatens; an expected event.
PERIODINGperioding v. Present participle of period.
PERIOD v. (Shakespeare) to put an end to.
PIDGINISEpidginise v. Alternative form of pidginize.
PIDGINISE v. to make into pidgin, also PIDGINIZE.
PIDGINIZEpidginize v. (Linguistics, transitive) To convert or adapt into a pidgin language.
PIDGINIZE v. to make into pidgin, also PIDGINISE.
PIGTAILEDpigtailed adj. Having a pigtail.
pig-tailed adj. Alternative form of pigtailed.
PIGTAILED adj. having a pigtail.
PILGRIMEDpilgrimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pilgrim.
PILGRIM v. to travel to a holy place for religious purposes, also PILGRIMAGE.
PRESIDINGpresiding v. Present participle of preside.
presiding adj. Having authority over; vested with the authority to preside over.
PRESIDE v. to occupy the position of authority.
PRODIGIESprodigies n. Plural of prodigy.
PRODIGY n. a child with exceptional talent and ability.
REDIPPINGredipping v. Present participle of redip.
re-dipping v. Present participle of re-dip.
REDIP v. to dip again.
SPIDERINGspidering v. Present participle of spider.
SPIDER v. to move in a scuttling manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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