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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, 2E, S, T and Y

ANDESYTESandesytes n. Plural of andesyte.
ANDESYTE n. a volcanic rock, also ANDESITE.
CURTSEYEDcurtseyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of curtsey.
CURTSEY v. to bow politely, also CURTSY.
DASYMETERdasymeter n. (Dated) An instrument for testing the density of gases, consisting of a thin glass globe, which is weighed…
DASYMETER n. a device for measuring the density of gases.
DECASTYLEdecastyle n. A portico with ten columns.
DECASTYLE n. a portico with ten columns in front.
DESERTIFYdesertify v. (Intransitive, of a geographical region) To become desert.
desertify v. (Transitive) To cause (a geographical region) to become desert.
DESERTIFY v. to make into a desert.
DESTROYEDdestroyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of destroy.
destroyed adj. (Ireland, informal) (particularly of a child) soiled, muddied, especially as a result of a fall or spill.
DESTROY v. to damage beyond repair or renewal, also STROY.
DESTROYERdestroyer n. That which destroys something.
destroyer n. (Military, historical) A small, fast warship with light gun armament, smaller than a cruiser, but bigger…
destroyer n. (Military) A larger warship with guided missile armament, usually intended for air defence or anti-ship…
DUVETYNESduvetynes n. Plural of duvetyne.
DUVETYNE n. (tradename) a smooth lustrous velvety fabric, also DUVETINE, DUVETYN.
DYSENTERYdysentery n. (Pathology) A disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines, especially the colon (large intestine)…
dysentery n. Diarrhea.
DYSENTERY n. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the large intestine.
ENDOSTYLEendostyle n. (Zoology) A longitudinal ciliated groove on the ventral wall of the pharynx which produces mucus to…
ENDOSTYLE n. a fold of the endoderm, which projects into the blood cavity of ascidians.
KEYSTONEDkeystoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of keystone.
keystoned adj. Having a keystone.
KEYSTONE v. to produce a distortion of a television picture in which a rectangular pattern is transformed into a trapezoidal pattern.
METEYARDSmeteyards n. Plural of meteyard.
METEYARD n. a measuring rod, also METESTICK, METEWAND.
PEDERASTYpederasty n. Erotic love, sexually expressed or chaste, between a man and an adolescent boy.
pederasty n. (Archaic) Anal intercourse in general, usually between a man and an adolescent boy.
PEDERASTY n. anal intercourse between a man and a boy, also PAEDERASTY.
ROYSTEREDroystered v. Simple past tense and past participle of royster.
ROYSTER v. to revel noisily, carouse, also ROIST, ROISTER, ROYST.
SEDENTARYsedentary adj. Not moving; relatively still; staying in the vicinity.
sedentary adj. (Anthropology, of a human population) Living in a fixed geographical location; the opposite of nomadic.
sedentary adj. (Medicine, of a job, lifestyle, etc.) Not moving much; sitting around.
SEROTYPEDserotyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of serotype.
serotyped adj. Characterised by serotype.
SEROTYPE v. to classify according to the composition of antigens.
STEEDYINGSTEEDY v. (archaic) to steady, also STEDDY.
STEELYARDsteelyard n. A transportable balance with unequal arm lengths.
steelyard n. A place where steel (and possibly other metals as well) is stored and sold.
STEELYARD n. a weighing-machine consisting of a lever with a short arm for the thing weighed and a long graduated arm on which a single weight moves.
YESTERDAYyesterday n. The day immediately before today; one day ago.
yesterday n. (Figuratively) The past, often in terms of being outdated.
yesterday adv. On the day before today.
YULETIDESyuletides n. Plural of yuletide.
Yuletides n. Plural of Yuletide.
YULETIDE n. Christmas or Christmastide, also YULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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