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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, 2E, K and 2S

DEERSKINSdeerskins n. Plural of deerskin.
deer-skins n. Plural of deer-skin (alternative spelling of deerskins).
DEERSKIN n. the skin of a deer.
DESKNOTESdesknotes n. Plural of desknote.
DESKNOTE n. a notebook computer used like a desktop.
DICKENSESDICKENS n. (colloquial) the devil.
DISKETTESdiskettes n. Plural of diskette.
DISKETTE n. a small flexible plastic disk with a magnetic coating used as an inexpensive data-storage device of moderate capacity.
DRESSMAKEdressmake v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make (a dress or dresses).
DRESSMAKE v. to make dresses.
HELPDESKShelpdesks n. Plural of helpdesk.
help-desks n. Plural of help-desk.
help␣desks n. Plural of help desk.
KEESHONDSKeeshonds n. Plural of Keeshond.
KEESHOND n. (Dutch) a small, heavy-coated dog.
KERBSIDESkerbsides n. Plural of kerbside.
KERBSIDE n. the side of a pavement bordered by a kerb, also CURBSIDE.
KISKADEESkiskadees n. Plural of kiskadee.
KISKADEE n. a kind of large flycatcher.
LAKESIDESlakesides n. Plural of lakeside.
LAKESIDE n. the land on the edge of a lake.
NAKEDNESSnakedness n. The state or condition of being naked; nudity; bareness; defenselessness; undisguisedness.
NAKEDNESS n. the state of being naked.
NEWSDESKSnewsdesks n. Plural of newsdesk.
news␣desks n. Plural of news desk.
NEWSDESK n. the department that receives late-breaking news.
SEEDCAKESseedcakes n. Plural of seedcake.
seed␣cakes n. Plural of seed cake.
SEEDCAKE n. a sweet cake with seeds.
SEEDSTOCKseedstock n. Alternative form of seed stock.
seed␣stock n. (Literally) A stock of seed.
seed␣stock n. Any supply for planting in general.
SILKWEEDSsilkweeds n. Plural of silkweed.
SILKWEED n. another name for the plant milkweed.
STICKSEEDstickseed n. Any of several plants with fruits that stick to hair, fur or clothes.
STICKSEED n. any of various weedy herbs of the borage family.
TICKSEEDStickseeds n. Plural of tickseed.
TICKSEED n. a flowering plant.
WEAKSIDESWEAKSIDE n. someone's weak point, the side on which they are most liable to temptation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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