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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, 2E, I, L and Y

ACETYLIDEacetylide n. (Organic chemistry) Any organic compound derived from acetylene or a terminal acetylene by replacing…
ACETYLIDE n. any of a class of carbides in which the carbon is present as a diatomic divalent ion.
DECIDEDLYdecidedly adv. In a manner which leaves little question; definitely, clearly.
decidedly adv. In a decided or final manner; resolutely.
DECIDED adv. DECIDE, to make a choice.
DELIVERLYdeliverly adv. (Obsolete) actively; quickly; nimbly.
DELIVER adv. nimble.
DIVERSELYdiversely adv. In a diverse manner.
DIVERSE adv. varied.
ERUDITELYeruditely adv. In a learned or scholarly manner.
ERUDITE adv. learned.
EUDIALYTEeudialyte n. (Mineralogy) A red silicate mineral that forms in alkaline igneous rocks such as nepheline syenites.
EUDIALYTE n. a silicate of zirconium, sodium, calcium and iron, occurring in Greenland, easily dissolved by acids.
EVIDENTLYevidently adv. In a manner which makes the fact or conclusion evident; obviously; as may be clearly inferred.
evidently adv. (Obsolete) In such a way as to be clearly visible or manifest; distinctly, clearly.
evidently adv. (Proscribed) apparently.
EXCITEDLYexcitedly adv. In an excited manner.
EXCITED adv. EXCITE, to arouse the emotions of.
FEIGNEDLYfeignedly adv. In a way that is feigned.
FEIGNED adv. FEIGN, to pretend, give a false impression, also FAINE, FAYNE.
GLYCERIDEglyceride n. (Organic chemistry) An ester of glycerol and one or more fatty acid; they are the major constituents of lipids.
GLYCERIDE n. an ester of glycerol.
LYSERGIDElysergide n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) The International Nonproprietary Name of LSD.
LYSERGIDE n. the drug LSD.
MEDIATELYmediately adv. In a mediate manner, by the intervention of an intermediary agent or means; indirectly.
MEDIATE adv. middle, intervening.
MIDWEEKLYmidweekly adj. Occurring midweek.
MIDWEEKLY adj. taking place in the middle of the week.
REFINEDLYrefinedly adv. In a refined manner.
REFINED adv. REFINE, to free from impurities.
RETIREDLYretiredly adv. In a retired or withdrawn situation.
RETIRED adv. RETIRE, to withdraw or retreat.
SERRIEDLYserriedly adv. (Rare) Crowded together in rows.
SERRIED adv. SERRY, to press close, close the ranks of, also SERR, SERRE.
UNHEEDILYunheedily adv. (Obsolete) Heedlessly.
UNHEEDY adv. incautious; heedless.
UNYIELDEDunyielded adj. Not yielded; not given up.
UNYIELDED adj. not yielded.
YIELDABLEyieldable adj. (Archaic) Disposed to yield or comply.
yieldable adj. (Engineering) Capable of yielding under pressure, rather than being bent or snapped.
YIELDABLE adj. disposed to yield or comply.
YULETIDESyuletides n. Plural of yuletide.
Yuletides n. Plural of Yuletide.
YULETIDE n. Christmas or Christmastide, also YULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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