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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2D, E, G and 2I

DEBRIDINGdebriding v. Present participle of debride.
debriding n. The removal of necrotic tissue or foreign matter from a wound, etc.
DEBRIDE v. (French) to remove dead tissue surgically.
DIADEMINGdiademing v. Present participle of diadem.
DIADEM v. to adorn with a crown.
DIDDERINGdiddering v. Present participle of didder.
DIDDER v. (dialect) to shake.
DIGITATEDdigitated adj. Having digits; characterized by digitation.
digitated adj. (Botany) Having several leaflets arranged, like the fingers of the hand, at the extremity of a stem or petiole.
DIGITATED adj. of a leaf, divided into fingerlike parts, also DIGITATE.
DIGITISEDdigitised v. Simple past tense and past participle of digitise.
DIGITISE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITIZE.
DIGITIZEDdigitized v. Simple past tense and past participle of digitize.
digitized adj. That has been converted from analog to digital.
DIGITIZE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITISE.
DIGNIFIEDdignified adj. Having an attitude or bearing that connotes respectability and poise.
dignified v. Simple past tense and past participle of dignify.
DIGNIFY v. to add dignity to.
DISEDGINGdisedging v. Present participle of disedge.
DISEDGE v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of an edge; to blunt.
DISGUISEDdisguised v. Simple past tense and past participle of disguise.
disguised adj. Wearing a disguise; dressed in strange or unusual clothes, or taking on a changed appearance, especially…
disguised adj. (Of things) Made to appear as something other than it is, hidden in outward form.
GIDDINESSgiddiness n. The state of being giddy.
GIDDINESS n. the state of being giddy.
IMBEDDINGimbedding v. Present participle of imbed.
imbedding n. Alternative form of embedding.
IMBED v. to plant firmly, also EMBED.
MISGUIDEDmisguided adj. Ill-conceived or not thought through.
misguided adj. Misled or mistaken.
misguided adj. Lacking proper guidance.
NIDDERINGniddering n. (Archaic) Synonym of nithing (“a coward, a dastard; a wretch”).
niddering adj. (Archaic) Synonym of nithing (“cowardly, dastardly; notoriously evil or wicked; infamous”).
NIDDERING n. (Old English) an infamous person; an abject coward, also NIDDERLING, NIDERING, NIDERLING, NIDING, NITHING.
REBIDDINGrebidding v. Present participle of rebid.
REBID v. to bid again.
RIGIDISEDrigidised v. Simple past tense and past participle of rigidise.
RIGIDISE v. to make stiff, also RIGIDIFY, RIGIDIZE.
RIGIDIZEDrigidized v. Simple past tense and past participle of rigidize.
RIGIDIZE v. to make stiff, also RIGIDIFY, RIGIDISE.
RIGWIDDIErigwiddie n. Alternative form of rigwoodie.
RIGWIDDIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWOODIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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