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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing D, 2O, P, S and T

DOORPOSTdoorpost n. Doorjamb.
DOORPOST n. one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe, also DOORJAMB.
DOORSTEPdoorstep n. An outside step leading up to the door of a building, usually a home.
doorstep n. (Figuratively) One’s immediate neighbourhood or locality.
doorstep n. (UK, informal) A thick slice, especially of bread.
DOORSTOPdoorstop n. Any device or object used to halt the motion of a door, as a large or heavy object, a wedge, or some…
doorstop n. (Humorous) A large book, which by implication could be used to stop a door.
doorstop n. (Britain, proscribed, nonstandard) (in error for doorstep) A thick sandwich.
DROPOUTSdropouts n. Plural of dropout.
drop-outs n. Plural of drop-out.
DROPOUT n. one who drops out of normal society.
DROPSHOTdropshot n. Alternative form of drop shot.
drop␣shot n. (Sports) In sports such as badminton, squash, tennis and volleyball, a lightly-struck shot that just lands into play.
drop␣shot n. (Golf) A downward chopping shot used to extract a ball that lies deep in the grass.
DROPTOPSdroptops n. Plural of droptop.
drop␣tops n. Plural of drop top.
DROPTOP n. a convertible automobile.
FOOTPADSfootpads n. Plural of footpad.
footpads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of footpad.
foot-pads n. Plural of foot-pad.
HOPTOADSHOPTOAD n. a kind of toad.
OCTOPODSoctopods n. Plural of octopod.
OCTOPOD n. any of an order of eight-armed mollusks.
OUTDROPSOUTDROP v. to surpass in dropping.
OUTPLODSoutplods v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outplod.
OUTPLOD v. to surpass in plodding.
POSTCODEpostcode n. (Australia, Britain, New Zealand) A sequence of letters and numbers added to a postal address to aid…
postcode n. (By extension) The region denoted by a postcode.
postcode v. (UK) To give a postcode to; to mark with a postcode.
POSTDOCSpostdocs n. Plural of postdoc.
post-docs n. Plural of post-doc.
POSTDOC n. one engaged in postdoctoral study.
STOPWORDstopword n. Alternative spelling of stop word.
stop␣word n. (Computing) a word, usually one of a series in a stop list, that is ignored when searches are conducted…
STOPWORD n. a frequently used word that is not searchable by search engines.
TORPEDOStorpedos n. Plural of torpedo.
TORPEDO v. to attack with a torpedo.
TYLOPODStylopods n. Plural of tylopod.
TYLOPOD n. ungulates with padded toes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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