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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, N, 2O, S and U

BOURDONSbourdons n. Plural of bourdon.
Bourdons prop.n. Plural of Bourdon.
BOURDON n. (French) the drone bass of a bagpipe or organ.
BUNDOOKSbundooks n. Plural of bundook.
BUNDOOK n. (Urdu) Indian army slang for a rifle, a shotgun, also BANDOOK.
COFOUNDScofounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cofound.
co-founds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of co-found.
COFOUND v. to found jointly.
DIPNOOUSdipnoous adj. Having both lungs and gills.
DIPNOOUS adj. having lungs and gills.
DUOPSONYduopsony n. An economic condition in which two buyers exert control over the market price of a commodity.
DUOPSONY n. the market condition when there are two buyers only.
DUOTONESduotones n. Plural of duotone.
DUOTONE n. a drawing etc. done in two tones or colours.
FRONDOUSfrondous adj. (Botany) frondose.
FRONDOUS adj. having fronds, also FRONDOSE.
IDONEOUSidoneous adj. Appropriate; suitable.
IDONEOUS adj. appropriate, suitable.
MOONDUSTmoondust n. The fine regolith found on the surface of the Moon.
MOONDUST n. dust on the moon.
NIDOROUSnidorous adj. (Literary) Emitting a strong, unpleasant odor, especially one like that of cooking fat or similar greasy substances.
NIDOROUS adj. resembling the smell or taste of roast meat, or of corrupt animal matter.
NODULOSEnodulose adj. (Biology) having nodules.
NODULOSE adj. having small nodes or knots, also NODULOUS.
NODULOUSnodulous adj. Alternative form of nodulose.
NODULOUS adj. having small nodes or knots, also NODULOSE.
NUNHOODSnunhoods n. Plural of nunhood.
NUNHOOD n. the condition of a nun.
NUTWOODSnutwoods n. Plural of nutwood.
NUTWOOD n. a nut-bearing tree.
SOUNDBOXsoundbox n. Alternative form of sound box.
sound␣box n. (Music) The open chamber (resonator) of a stringed musical instrument, which intensifies its tone.
SOUNDBOX n. a resonant cavity in a musical instrument.
UNLOOSEDunloosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unloose.
UNLOOSE v. to set free, also UNLOOSEN.
WONDROUSwondrous adj. Wonderful; amazing, inspiring awe; marvelous.
wondrous adv. In a wonderful degree; remarkably; wondrously.
WONDROUS adj. strange, wonderful, also WONDEROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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