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There are 17 eight-letter words containing D, N, 2O, P and S

DIPNOOUSdipnoous adj. Having both lungs and gills.
DIPNOOUS adj. having lungs and gills.
DUOPSONYduopsony n. An economic condition in which two buyers exert control over the market price of a commodity.
DUOPSONY n. the market condition when there are two buyers only.
ENDOPODSendopods n. Plural of endopod.
ENDOPOD n. a branch of a crustacean limb.
EPANODOSepanodos n. (Rhetoric) The repetition of a sequence of words or phrases in reverse order.
epanodos n. Recapitulation of the main points in a discourse.
EPANODOS n. (Greek) a recapitulation of the chief points in a discourse after digression.
GONOPODSgonopods n. Plural of gonopod.
GONOPOD n. either of a pair of appendages that are the external reproductive organs of insects.
GOSPODINGOSPODIN n. (Russian) a Russian title of address, equivalent to Mr, also GOSPODA.
IODOPSINiodopsin n. A photoreceptor protein found in the cone cells of the retina, the basis of colour vision.
IODOPSIN n. a light sensitive pigment in retinal cones.
ISOPODANisopodan adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the isopods.
isopodan n. (Zoology) An isopod.
ISOPODAN n. a kind of crustacean, also ISOPOD.
MONOPODSmonopods n. Plural of monopod.
MONOPOD n. a one-footed person of fabulous Ethiopian race, with foot large enough to be a sunshade, also MONOPODE.
PANDOORSpandoors n. Plural of pandoor.
PANDOOR n. one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army, also PANDOUR.
POISONEDpoisoned adj. (Of a living thing) Killed, paralysed, or harmed by receiving a dose of poison.
poisoned adj. Containing poison; poisonous.
poisoned adj. (Figuratively) Having a strongly negative effect; harmful.
POYSONEDpoysoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of poyson.
POYSON v. (obsolete) to poison.
PRODNOSEprodnose n. (Slang) Synonym of busybody.
prodnose v. (Slang) To meddle; to interfere where one is unwelcome.
PRODNOSE n. an inquisitive person.
SNOWDROPsnowdrop n. Any of the 20 species of the genus Galanthus of the Amaryllidaceae, bulbous flowering plants, bearing…
snowdrop n. Alternative letter-case form of Snowdrop (“a Royal Air Force police officer”).
snowdrop v. (Australia, slang, transitive, intransitive) To steal clothing (especially women’s underwear) from a clothesline.
SPADROONspadroon n. A single-handed, lightweight sword.
spadroon n. A long heavy sword for both hands; a spadone.
SPADROON n. (historical) a sword, esp. a broadsword, formerly used both to cut and thrust.
SPONGOIDspongoid adj. Resembling sponge.
SPONGOID adj. resembling a sponge.
SPOONFEDspoonfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of spoonfeed.
spoon-fed v. Simple past tense and past participle of spoon-feed.
spoon-fed adj. Pampered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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