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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing D, L, N, 2O and W

BLOWDOWNblowdown n. (Chemical engineering) The removal of liquid and solid hydrocarbons from a refinery vessel by the use of pressure.
blowdown n. (Industrial engineering) Cooling fluid discharged from a plant at the end of its cycle.
blowdown n. (Forestry) Uprooting, overtopping, or bole breakage of trees by the wind; windthrow and windsnap.
COOLDOWNcooldown n. (Video games) The minimum length of time that the player needs to wait after using an ability or item…
cooldown n. (Sports) The rest period between sets or workout sessions.
cooldown n. (By extension) Any rest period between sessions of an activity or event.
DOWNFLOWdownflow n. A downward flow.
DOWNFLOW n. a running down.
DOWNHOLEdownhole adj. Occurring in the drilled bore of an oil well either underground or undersea.
DOWNHOLE adj. pertaining to subterranean drilling equipment.
DOWNLOADdownload n. A file transfer to a given computer or device from a remote one through a network connection.
download n. A file that has been or is intended to be transferred in this way.
download v. (Transitive, computing) To transfer data to a given computer from a remote one via a network.
DOWNLOWSDOWNLOW n. as in on the downlow, not widely known.
HOLDDOWNholddown n. (Engineering) A clamping device that holds another structural element in place.
holddown n. (Computing) A period during which a network router ignores messages about a currently unreachable route…
hold-down n. Alternative form of holddown.
LOANWORDloanword n. A word directly taken into one language from another one with little or no translation.
loan␣word n. Alternative spelling of loanword.
LOANWORD n. a word taken from another language.
LOCKDOWNlockdown n. The confinement of people in their own rooms (e.g., in a school) or cells (in a prison), or to their…
lockdown n. (US) A contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting.
lock-down n. Alternative form of lockdown.
LOOKDOWNlookdown n. An oddly-shaped Atlantic marine fish, Selene vomer.
look␣down v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see look, down.
look␣down v. (Intransitive) To lower one’s eyes; to direct one’s look downwards.
LOWDOWNSlowdowns n. Plural of lowdown.
LOWDOWN n. the real information about something.
SLOWDOWNslowdown n. A reduction in speed, or a decrease in the level of production, etc.
slow-down n. Alternative form of slowdown.
slow␣down v. (Intransitive) To decelerate.
SNOWMOLDsnow␣mold n. A white mold that grows on grass after snow melt.
SNOWMOLD n. a fungus disease of grasses near the edge of melting snow, also SNOWMOULD.
WOODENLYwoodenly adv. (Of speech) Dully and without emotion.
woodenly adv. (Of movement) Clumsily or without animation.
WOODEN adv. stiff as in wood.
WOODLANDwoodland adj. Of a creature or object: growing, living, or existing in a woodland.
woodland adj. (Obsolete) Having the character of a woodland.
woodland n. Land covered with woody vegetation.
WOOLDINGwoolding n. (Nautical) The act of winding or wrapping anything with a rope.
woolding n. (Nautical) A rope used for binding masts and spars.
WOOLDING n. the act of winding a rope or chain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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