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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing D, 2L, N, O and R

DROLLINGdrolling v. Present participle of droll.
drolling n. (Archaic) A joke or jest; drollery.
DROLLING n. the act of a jester.
ENROLLEDenrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of enrol.
enrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of enroll.
ENROL v. to insert on a register, also ENROLL.
HANDROLLhandroll n. A piece of sushi in the form of a cone of seaweed filled with rice, fish, vegetables etc.
handroll n. (Medicine) A piece of material placed in a patient’s hand as an anticontracture measure.
HANDROLL n. a cigarette rolled by hand.
LANDLORDlandlord n. A person that leases real property; a lessor.
landlord n. (Chiefly Britain) The owner or manager of a public house.
landlord n. (Surfing, slang, with "the") A shark, imagined as the owner of the surf to be avoided.
LORDLINGlordling n. An unimportant or petty lord.
lordling n. A young lord.
LORDLING n. a young or unimportant lord, also LORDING.
RONDELLErondelle n. A small circular object.
rondelle n. One of the successive crusts formed on molten metal as it cools.
RONDELLE n. (French) a verse form of thirteen or fourteen lines on two rhymes, also RONDEL.
ROWNDELLrowndell n. Obsolete form of roundel.
ROWNDELL n. (Spenser) a bubble.
UNLORDLYunlordly adj. Not lordly.
UNLORDLY adj. not lordly.
UNROLLEDunrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unroll.
unrolled adj. Not having been rolled.
UNROLL v. to open something that is rolled up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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