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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing D, I, N, O and 2R

CORDINERcordiner n. (Obsolete) A shoemaker.
CORDINER n. (archaic) a shoemaker, also CORDWAINER.
GRIDIRONgridiron n. An instrument of torture on which people were secured before being burned by fire.
gridiron n. An iron rack or grate used for broiling meat and fish over coals.
gridiron n. Any object resembling the rack or grate.
INDORSERindorser n. Alternative form of endorser.
INDORSER n. one that endorses, also ENDORSER, ENDORSOR, INDORSOR.
INDORSORindorsor n. Archaic form of endorser.
INDORSOR n. one that endorses, also ENDORSER, ENDORSOR, INDORSER.
ORDAINERordainer n. A person (usually a clergyman) who ordains.
ORDAINER n. one who ordains.
ORDERINGordering v. Present participle of order.
ordering n. Arrangement in a sequence.
ordering n. (Uncountable) The placement of an order for goods or services.
ORDINARSORDINAR n. (Scots) something quite usual, also ORDINARY.
ORDINARYordinary n. A person with authority; authority, ordinance.
ordinary n. Something ordinary or regular.
ordinary n. A book setting out ordinary or regular conduct.
RAINDROPraindrop n. A single droplet of rainwater that has just fallen or is falling from the sky.
RAINDROP n. a drop of rain.
REORDAINreordain v. (Transitive) To ordain (a church official) again.
REORDAIN v. to ordain again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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