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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, I, L, N, O and R

DISENROLdisenrol v. Alternative spelling of disenroll.
DISENROL v. to remove from a roll.
DOORNAILdoornail n. A nail with a wide head, traditionally used in the construction and ornamentation of wooden doors.
door-nail n. Alternative form of doornail.
door␣nail n. Alternative form of doornail.
DROILINGdroiling v. Present participle of droil.
DROIL v. (obsolete) to drudge.
DROLLINGdrolling v. Present participle of droll.
drolling n. (Archaic) A joke or jest; drollery.
DROLLING n. the act of a jester.
DROOLINGdrooling v. Present participle of drool.
drooling n. The act of one who drools.
DROOL v. to let saliva flow from the mouth.
GIRLONDSgirlonds n. Plural of girlond.
GIRLOND n. a garland.
INFOLDERinfolder n. Archaic form of enfolder.
INFOLDER n. one that infolds.
INHOLDERinholder n. An indweller, or anything indwelling; inhabitant; occupant.
inholder n. (Obsolete, in the abstract) The active forces of nature. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
INHOLDER n. a container.
IRONCLADironclad adj. Covered with iron, steel, or some metal, armor-plated.
ironclad adj. (Figuratively) Solid or certain; not able to be disputed or questioned; irrefutable.
ironclad adj. (Figuratively) Rigorous; severe; exacting.
LINDWORMlindworm n. A wingless serpentine dragon having two arms.
lindworm n. A draconic creature, similar to a wyvern.
LINDWORM n. a wingless dragon.
LORDINGSlordings n. Plural of lording.
LORDING n. a young or unimportant lord, also LORDLING.
LORDKINSlordkins n. Plural of lordkin.
LORDKIN n. a little lord, also LORDING, LORDLING.
LORDLINGlordling n. An unimportant or petty lord.
lordling n. A young lord.
LORDLING n. a young or unimportant lord, also LORDING.
ORDALIANordalian adj. (Law, obsolete) Of or relating to trial by ordeal.
ORDALIAN adj. of or relating to an ordeal.
ORDINALSordinals n. Plural of ordinal.
ORDINAL n. a book containing religious rites, esp. for ordination.
RHODINALRHODINAL n. an aldehyde found in citronella, used in soaps and perfumes.
TRINODALtrinodal adj. Having three nodes.
TRINODAL adj. having three nodes.
YOLDRINGyoldring n. (Britain, dialectal, obsolete) A bird, the yellowhammer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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