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There are 15 eight-letter words containing D, I, 2L, O and R

ARILLODEarillode n. (Botany) A structure resembling an aril that comes from the ovule as opposed to the stalk.
ARILLODE n. a caruncle or false aril, from near the micropyle.
ARILLOIDARILLOID adj. like an aril, a protective seed-coat.
COLLIDERcollider n. (Physics) Any of several forms of particle accelerator in which two opposing beams of particles collide.
collider n. (Graph theory) A node in a causal graph that has at least two incoming edges.
collider n. (Video games) A model of the shape of an object for purposes of collision detection.
DOLLIERSdolliers n. Plural of dollier.
DOLLIER n. one who wheels a trolley.
DOORSILLdoorsill n. The horizontal piece of material at the threshold of a doorway; a doorstep.
DOORSILL n. the sill of a door.
DROLLINGdrolling v. Present participle of droll.
drolling n. (Archaic) A joke or jest; drollery.
DROLLING n. the act of a jester.
DROLLISHdrollish adj. Somewhat droll.
DROLLISH adj. rather droll.
FLORIDLYfloridly adv. In a florid manner.
FLORID adv. flowery; having a ruddy or highly coloured complexion.
LORDLIERlordlier adj. Comparative form of lordly: more lordly.
lordlier adv. Comparative form of lordly: more lordly.
Lordlier adj. Comparative form of Lordly: more Lordly.
LORDLIKElordlike adj. Like a lord; lordly.
LORDLIKE adj. like a lord.
LORDLINGlordling n. An unimportant or petty lord.
lordling n. A young lord.
LORDLING n. a young or unimportant lord, also LORDING.
LOUDLIERloudlier adv. Comparative form of loudly: more loudly.
LOUDLY adv. in a loud fashion.
ORIELLEDorielled adj. (Architecture) Furnished with an oriel.
ORIELLED adj. having an oriel, a projecting bay window supported with corbel or bracket.
ROADKILLroadkill n. (Chiefly US) the killing of an animal by a road vehicle.
roadkill n. (Chiefly US) the animal(s) so killed.
roadkill n. (By extension) a helpless victim.
TROLLIEDtrollied v. Simple past tense and past participle of trolley.
trollied adj. (Slang) Showing extreme intoxication from alcohol.
TROLLY v. to travel by streetcar, also TROLLEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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