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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing D, 2I, M, O and U

CONIDIUMconidium n. (Mycology) A fungal spore produced asexually in a conidiophore.
CONIDIUM n. (Greek) a kind of reproductive cell found in certain fungi, and often containing zoospores.
DISODIUMdisodium n. (Chemistry, in combination) two atoms of sodium in a compound.
DISODIUM adj. of a molecule, having two sodium atoms.
DOMINIUMdominium n. The ownership of a thing.
dominium n. (Biology, taxonomy) The highest category in the classification of organisms, ranking above regnum.
dominium n. Political unit.
GONIDIUMgonidium n. (Lichenology, phycology) A photosynthetic algal cell in the thallus of a lichen; a similar asexual reproductive…
gonidium n. (Zoology) A special groove or furrow at one or both angles of the mouth of many Anthozoa.
GONIDIUM n. an algal cell in a lichen.
LIMULOIDlimuloid n. Any horseshoe crab of the superfamily Limuloidea.
LIMULOID n. a member of the king crab family, also LIMULUS.
MUCINOIDmucinoid adj. Resembling mucin.
mucinoid n. Alternative form of mucoid.
MUCINOID adj. of or like mucin, a substance produced by mucous membranes, also MUCINOUS.
ONCIDIUMoncidium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Oncidium of tropical orchidaceous plants.
ONCIDIUM n. any of a genus of tropical orchidaceous plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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