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There are 16 eight-letter words containing D, 2I, M, N and O

CONIDIUMconidium n. (Mycology) A fungal spore produced asexually in a conidiophore.
CONIDIUM n. (Greek) a kind of reproductive cell found in certain fungi, and often containing zoospores.
DAIMONICdaimonic adj. In the way of a daimon; befitting a demon; fiendish.
daimonic adj. Motivated by a spiritual force or genius; inspired.
daimonic n. (Psychology) The unrest that exists in us all which forces us into the unknown, leading to self-destruction…
DOMINICKDominick prop.n. A male given name from Latin, variant of Dominic.
DOMINICK n. one of an American breed of chickens, also DOMINICKER, DOMINIQUE.
DOMINIESdominies n. Plural of dominie.
DOMINIE n. a schoolmaster, a tutor.
DOMINIONdominion n. Power or the use of power; sovereignty over something; stewardship, supremacy.
dominion n. Predominance; ascendancy.
dominion n. (Sometimes figurative) A kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence; governed territory.
DOMINIUMdominium n. The ownership of a thing.
dominium n. (Biology, taxonomy) The highest category in the classification of organisms, ranking above regnum.
dominium n. Political unit.
GONIDIUMgonidium n. (Lichenology, phycology) A photosynthetic algal cell in the thallus of a lichen; a similar asexual reproductive…
gonidium n. (Zoology) A special groove or furrow at one or both angles of the mouth of many Anthozoa.
GONIDIUM n. an algal cell in a lichen.
HOMINIDShominids n. Plural of hominid.
HOMINID n. a manlike creature, also HOMINIAN.
HOMINOIDhominoid n. Any primate (including humans and apes) belonging to the superfamily Hominoidea.
HOMINOID n. a member of the superfamily Hominoidea, comprising man and modern apes and their extinct ancestors, also HOMINIAN.
MIDIRONSmidirons n. Plural of midiron.
mid-irons n. Plural of mid-iron.
MIDIRON n. a golf club.
MIDPOINTmidpoint n. A point equidistant between two extremes.
midpoint n. (Mathematics) A point which divides a line segment into two lines of equal length.
mid-point n. Alternative form of midpoint.
MINISODEminisode n. (Informal) A very short episode of a television programme.
MINISODE n. a heavily abridged version of a television episode, esp. as broadcast on the Internet.
MISDOINGmisdoing n. An act of misdoing; a misdeed.
misdoing v. Present participle of misdo.
MISDOING n. the act of doing wrong.
MUCINOIDmucinoid adj. Resembling mucin.
mucinoid n. Alternative form of mucoid.
MUCINOID adj. of or like mucin, a substance produced by mucous membranes, also MUCINOUS.
OMNIFIEDomnified v. Simple past tense and past participle of omnify.
OMNIFY v. to make universal.
ONCIDIUMoncidium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Oncidium of tropical orchidaceous plants.
ONCIDIUM n. any of a genus of tropical orchidaceous plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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