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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing D, H, I, O, P and R

DIMORPHSdimorphs n. Plural of dimorph.
DIMORPH n. either one of the two forms of a dimorphous substance.
HYDROPIChydropic adj. Dropsical; pertaining to or suffering from dropsy (edema).
hydropic adj. (Obsolete) Insatiably thirsty (like someone with dropsy).
hydropic adj. Swollen with water; characterized by swelling and accumulation of fluid.
IODOPHORiodophor n. (Chemistry) A complex of iodine designed to free it in solution.
IODOPHOR n. a soluble compound of iodine used in making disinfectants.
LORDSHIPlordship n. The state or condition of being a lord.
lordship n. (By extension, with "his" or "your", often capitalised) Title applied to a lord, bishop, judge, or another…
lordship n. (Humorous, with "his" or "your") A boy or man who is behaving in a seigneurial manner or acting like…
NEPHROIDnephroid n. (Geometry) A plane curve resembling two intersecting ellipses.
nephroid adj. Kidney-shaped.
NEPHROID adj. kidney-shaped.
OPHIURIDophiurid adj. Alternative form of ophiuroid.
ophiurid n. Alternative form of ophiuroid.
OPHIURID n. a member of the Ophiura genus of brittle-stars or sand-stars, also OPHIURA, OPHIURAN, OPHIUROID.
PHORONIDphoronid n. (Zoology) Any hermaphroditic wormlike marine animals of the phylum Phoronida.
PHORONID n. a wormlike marine animal.
PROUDISHproudish adj. Somewhat proud.
PROUDISH adj. somewhat proud.
RHIZOPODrhizopod n. A member of the taxonomic superclass of Rhizopoda, being a type of amoeboid single-cell life with pseudopods…
RHIZOPOD n. any of a class of protozoans.
SPHEROIDspheroid adj. Of a shape similar to a squashed sphere.
spheroid n. A solid of revolution generated by rotating an ellipse about its major (prolate), or minor (oblate) axis.
SPHEROID n. a body resembling or approximating to a sphere in shape.
TROPHIEDtrophied adj. Adorned with trophies.
trophied v. Simple past tense and past participle of trophy.
TROPHY v. to honour with a symbol of victory.
WHIPCORDwhipcord n. A hard, twisted cord used for making whiplashes.
whipcord n. A type of catgut.
whipcord n. A strong worsted fabric, with a diagonal rib.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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