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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing D, H, I, M, N and O

ADMONISHadmonish v. (Transitive) To inform or notify of a fault; to rebuke gently or kindly, but seriously; to tell off.
admonish v. (Transitive, with of or against) To advise against wrongdoing; to caution; to warn against danger or an offense.
admonish v. (Transitive) To instruct or direct.
DEMIJOHNdemijohn n. A large bottle with a short neck, sometimes with two small handles at the neck, sometimes encased in wickerwork.
demi-john n. Alternative spelling of demijohn.
DEMIJOHN n. (French) a large bottle having a wicker case.
HEDONISMhedonism n. (Ethics, uncountable) The belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life. Some hedonists…
hedonism n. (Countable) A general devotion to the pursuit of pleasure.
HEDONISM n. the pursuit of pleasure.
HINDMOSThindmost adj. Superlative form of hind: most hind.
HINDMOST adj. farthest to the rear, also HINDERMOST.
HOMINIDShominids n. Plural of hominid.
HOMINID n. a manlike creature, also HOMINIAN.
HOMINOIDhominoid n. Any primate (including humans and apes) belonging to the superfamily Hominoidea.
HOMINOID n. a member of the superfamily Hominoidea, comprising man and modern apes and their extinct ancestors, also HOMINIAN.
HUMANOIDhumanoid adj. Having the appearance or characteristics of a human; being anthropomorphic under some criteria (Physical…
humanoid n. A being having the appearance or characteristics of a human.
HUMANOID n. something having human form.
MIDMONTHmidmonth adj. Occurring in the middle of a month, neither at the beginning nor the end.
midmonth n. A point in the middle of a month.
MIDMONTH n. halfway through the month.
MONISHEDmonished v. Simple past tense and past participle of monish.
MONISH v. to admonish; to warn.
RHODAMINrhodamin n. Alternative spelling of rhodamine.
RHODAMIN n. a synthetic dyestuff, usually red, also RHODAMINE.
UNMODISHunmodish adj. Not modish.
UNMODISH adj. not modish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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