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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing D, H, 2I, M and S

AMIDSHIPamidship adv. In the middle of a ship (as opposed to bow or stern).
AMIDSHIP adv. toward the middle of the ship, also AMIDSHIPS.
DIMINISHdiminish v. (Transitive) To make smaller.
diminish v. (Intransitive) To become less or smaller.
diminish v. (Transitive) To lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken; to nerf (in gaming).
DITHEISMditheism n. A belief in two deities, which may be in conflict with each other.
DITHEISM n. belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil.
HOMINIDShominids n. Plural of hominid.
HOMINID n. a manlike creature, also HOMINIAN.
ISTHMOIDisthmoid n. (Graph theory) A set of vertices of a graph after whose deletion the graph is no longer connected.
ISTHMOID adj. pertaining to an isthmus, also ISTHMIC.
JIHADISMjihadism n. The ideological movement within modern Islamism that advocates armed jihad and hostility against non-believers.
JIHADISM n. an Islamic fundamentalist movement that favours the pursuit of jihads in defence of the Islamic faith, also JEHADISM.
MIDSHIPSmidships adv. Alternative form of amidships.
midships interj. Alternative form of amidships.
MIDSHIPS adv. towards the middle of the ship.
MINIDISHminidish n. (Telecommunications) A small-sized satellite dish.
MINIDISH n. a small receiving dish for receiving satellite transmissions.
MINISHEDminished v. Simple past tense and past participle of minish.
MINISH v. (archaic) to diminish.
MISDIGHTmisdight adj. (Obsolete) Arrayed, prepared, or furnished unsuitably.
MISDIGHT v. (Spenser) to mismanage or treat badly.
SHIMMIEDshimmied v. Simple past tense and past participle of shimmy.
SHIMMY v. to dance the shimmy.
SIDHUISMSidhuism n. A characteristic one-liner spoken by the Indian cricket commentator Navjot Singh Sidhu (born 1963).
SIDHUISM n. (Hinglish) any contrived metaphor or simile, also SIDDHUISM.
SMITHIEDsmithied v. Simple past tense and past participle of smithy.
SMITHY v. to forge metal, also SMITH, SMIDDY.
WHIMSIEDwhimsied v. Simple past tense and past participle of whimsy.
WHIMSY adv. full of whims.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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