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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing D, G, I, N, O and T

ADOPTINGadopting v. Present participle of adopt.
ADOPT v. to take as one's own.
DEMOTINGdemoting v. Present participle of demote.
DEMOTE v. to lower in rank.
DENOTINGdenoting v. Present participle of denote.
DENOTE v. to indicate.
DETOXINGdetoxing v. Present participle of detox.
detoxing n. Synonym of detox (“detoxification, especially of the body from drugs”).
DETOX v. to remove a toxin from, also DETOXIFY.
DEVOTINGdevoting v. Present participle of devote.
DEVOTE v. to give oneself wholly to.
DIGITRONdigitron n. Synonym of Nixie tube.
digitron n. (By extension) Any electronic device for displaying digits.
DIGITRON n. (tradename) a type of tube for displaying information which can be lit by a low discharge.
DITTOINGdittoing v. Present participle of ditto.
DITTO v. to repeat that which has been said before.
DOATINGSdoatings n. Plural of doating.
DOATING n. an excessive love, also DOTING.
DONATINGdonating v. Present participle of donate.
DONATE v. to contribute.
DOTINGLYdotingly adv. In a doting manner.
DOUBTINGdoubting v. Present participle of doubt.
doubting n. A condition of doubt.
DOUBTING adj. in a state of doubt.
IODATINGiodating v. Present participle of iodate.
IODATE v. to treat with iodine, also IODINATE, IODIZE.
OUTDOINGoutdoing v. Present participle of outdo.
outdoing n. The act by which one person outdoes another.
OUTDO v. to exceed in performance.
STODGINGstodging v. Present participle of stodge.
STODGE v. to stuff full of food.
TOADYINGtoadying v. Present participle of toady.
TOADYING n. acting sycophantically.
TODDLINGtoddling v. Present participle of toddle.
toddling n. The unsteady walking of a child.
TODDLE v. to walk unsteadily.
TOODLINGTOODLE v. to toot softly, also TOOTLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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