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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing D, G, I, M, O and S

AGAMOIDSAGAMOID n. a member of the agamid family.
DEMIGODSdemigods n. Plural of demigod.
demi-gods n. Plural of demi-god.
DEMIGOD n. a half-god; a person whose nature is partly divine, esp. a hero fabled to be the offspring of a god and a mortal.
DIGAMOUSdigamous adj. Pertaining to a second marriage, i.e. one taking place after the death of the first wife or first husband.
digamous adj. (Botany) androgynous.
DIGAMOUS adj. pertaining to a second marriage, that is, one after the death of the first wife or the first husband.
GIPSYDOMgipsydom n. Alternative form of gypsydom.
GIPSYDOM n. the world of gypsies, also GYPSYDOM.
KINGDOMSkingdoms n. Plural of kingdom.
KINGDOM n. an area ruled by a king.
MENDIGOSmendigos n. Plural of mendigo.
MENDIGO n. a freshwater fish.
MISDOINGmisdoing n. An act of misdoing; a misdeed.
misdoing v. Present participle of misdo.
MISDOING n. the act of doing wrong.
MISLODGEmislodge v. (Transitive) To lodge incorrectly, amiss, or in the wrong place.
MISLODGE v. to lodge in a wrong place.
MODDINGSMODDING n. the practice of modifying a production car to alter its appearance or to increase performance.
MOLDINGSmoldings n. Plural of molding.
MOLDING n. a long, narrow strip used to decorate a surface, also MOULDING.
PIGMOIDSpigmoids n. Plural of pigmoid.
PIGMOID n. a pigmy.
PYGMOIDSpygmoids n. Plural of pygmoid.
PYGMOID n. a pygmy, also PIGMOID.
SIGMOIDSsigmoids n. Plural of sigmoid.
SIGMOID n. an S-shaped curve in a bodily part.
SMIDGEONsmidgeon n. Alternative form of smidgen.
SMIDGEON n. a very small amount, also SMIDGEN, SMIDGE, SMIDGIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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