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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing D, E, O and 3R

BORDERERborderer n. A person who resides near a border.
borderer n. A soldier of a border regiment in the British Army (Border Regiment, South Wales Borderers, King’s Own…
BORDERER n. a person who lives or was born on the border of a country.
CORRODERcorroder n. One who or that which corrodes.
CORRODER n. something that corrodes.
FORRADERforrader adv. Pronunciation spelling of forwarder.
FORRADER adv. (Scots) forwards, also FORRARDER.
HORRIDERhorrider adj. Comparative form of horrid: more horrid.
HORRID adj. nasty, repellent.
MIRROREDmirrored v. Simple past tense and past participle of mirror.
MIRROR v. to reflect an image of.
ORDERERSorderers n. Plural of orderer.
ORDERER n. one who orders.
PREORDERpreorder v. (Transitive) To order (goods or services) in advance, before they are available.
preorder v. (Transitive) To sort or arrange beforehand.
preorder n. An order for goods or services placed in advance.
RECORDERrecorder n. An apparatus for recording; a device which records.
recorder n. Agent noun of record; one who records.
recorder n. A judge in a municipal court.
REORDERSreorders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reorder.
REORDER v. to put in a further order.
RERECORDrerecord n. Alternative spelling of re-record.
rerecord v. Alternative spelling of re-record.
re-record v. To record again.
TORRIDERtorrider adj. Comparative form of torrid: more torrid.
TORRID adj. extremely hot.
VERDERORverderor n. Alternative form of verderer.
VERDEROR n. an officer in charge of the royal forests in England, also VERDERER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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