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There are 19 eight-letter words containing D, E, N, O, R and V

CODRIVENcodriven v. Past participle of codrive.
CODRIVE v. to work as a codriver.
DOVERINGDOVER v. (Scots) to doze, also DOVE.
ENDEAVORendeavor n. A sincere attempt; a determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal; assiduous or persistent activity.
endeavor v. (Obsolete) To exert oneself.
endeavor v. (Intransitive) To attempt through application of effort (to do something); to try strenuously.
GOVERNEDgoverned v. Simple past tense and past participle of govern.
GOVERN v. to rule or direct.
HANDOVERhandover n. The transference of authority, control, power or knowledge from one agency to another, or from one state to another.
handover n. The information passed on in such a case.
handover n. (Cellular telecommunications) the process of transferring an ongoing call or data session from one channel…
OVENBIRDovenbird n. Any of several birds.
OVENBIRD n. an American songbird.
OVERDONEoverdone adj. Cooked too much.
overdone adj. Exaggerated.
overdone adj. Repeated too often; hackneyed.
OVERFONDoverfond adj. Excessively fond.
over-fond adj. Alternative form of overfond.
OVERFOND adj. foolish to excess.
OVERFUNDoverfund v. To supply with more funds than necessary or appropriate.
OVERFUND v. to fund more than required.
OVERHANDoverhand adj. Executed with the hand brought forward and down from above the shoulders.
overhand adj. (Sewing) Sewn with close, vertical stitches that draw the edges of a seam together.
overhand adj. (Of a loop in rope) With the working part on top of the standing part.
OVERKINDoverkind adj. Excessively kind; kind beyond deserts; unnecessarily kind.
OVERKIND adj. excessively kind.
OVERLANDoverland adj. By or across land, especially of travel.
overland adv. Over, across, or by land.
overland n. (Travel) a trip by land between the UK and the Indian Sub-continent or Australia, or between the UK and South Africa.
OVERLENDoverlend v. To lend too much.
OVERLEND v. to lend too much.
OVERWINDoverwind v. (Transitive) To wind (tighten a spring of) something excessively.
overwind v. To twist itself more tightly.
overwind n. (Rare) Excessive wind; a movement of such atmospheric air caused by air pressure.
PROVENDSprovends n. Plural of provend.
PROVEND n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
PROVINEDprovined v. Simple past tense and past participle of provine.
PROVINE v. to propagate by layering.
RINGDOVEringdove n. The wood pigeon.
ring␣dove n. A ringneck dove.
RINGDOVE n. the wood-pigeon, from the broken white ring or line on its neck.
RONDAVELrondavel n. (South Africa) A traditional circular design of house, typically with a conical roof, commonly thatched…
RONDAVEL n. (South African) in South Africa, a round hut with a grass roof.
UNPROVEDunproved adj. (Britain) Not proved.
UNPROVED adj. not proved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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