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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing D, E, L, N, R and T

ANTLEREDantlered adj. Having antlers.
ANTLERED adj. bearing antlers.
ARDENTLYardently adv. Fervently.
ARDENT adv. burning with emotion.
DENTURALDENTURAL adj. relating to dentures.
GRUNTLEDgruntled adj. (Obsolete) Grunted.
gruntled adj. (Humorous) Satisfied, pleased, contented.
GRUNTLE v. (dialect) to put in good humour.
REDOLENTredolent adj. Fragrant or aromatic; having a sweet scent.
redolent adj. Having the smell of the article in question.
redolent adj. (Figurative) Suggestive or reminiscent.
RELENTEDrelented v. Simple past tense and past participle of relent.
RELENT v. to soften and become less severe.
RONDELETrondelet n. A metric verse (form), modeled after the rondeau, in two rhymes over seven lines, the first (in four…
RONDELET n. (French) a short 5 or 7-line rondeau with one refrain per stanza.
ROUNDLETroundlet n. A small disk, circle or other round object.
ROUNDLET n. a small circle.
RUNDLETSrundlets n. Plural of rundlet.
RUNDLET n. (archaic) an old liquid measure equal to about 15 gallons.
SNIRTLEDsnirtled v. Simple past tense and past participle of snirtle.
SNIRTLE v. (Scots) to snicker.
TENDERLYtenderly adv. In a tender manner; gently; sweetly.
TENDER adv. soft, sensitive.
TENDRILStendrils n. Plural of tendril.
TENDRIL n. a coiling, threadlike, climbing organ of a plant.
TRENDILYtrendily adv. In keeping with, or showing an awareness of, current trends.
TRENDY adv. fashionable.
TRINDLEDtrindled v. Simple past tense and past participle of trindle.
TRINDLE v. to propel by causing to rotate, also TRUNDLE.
TRINDLEStrindles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trindle.
TRINDLE v. to propel by causing to rotate, also TRUNDLE.
TRUNDLEDtrundled v. Simple past tense and past participle of trundle.
TRUNDLE v. to propel by causing to rotate, also TRINDLE.
TRUNDLERtrundler n. A person who trundles (something or someone).
trundler n. (Cricket) A bowler (player throwing the ball).
trundler n. A device that is trundled (pushed or pulled on wheels).
TRUNDLEStrundles n. Plural of trundle.
trundles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trundle.
TRUNDLE v. to propel by causing to rotate, also TRINDLE.
UNDERLETunderlet v. (Real estate) To let below the value.
underlet v. (Property law) Synonym of sublet.
underlet n. (Property law, informal) Synonym of sublease.
UNDERLITunderlit adj. Illuminated from beneath.
underlit adj. Poorly, or insufficiently illuminated.
UNDERLIT adj. lacking adequate light.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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