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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, E, 2I, S and U

DIECIOUSdiecious adj. Alternative spelling of dioecious.
DIECIOUS adj. having male and female sexual organs in different individuals, also DIOECIOUS, DIOICOUS.
DISGUISEdisguise n. Material (such as clothing, makeup, a wig) used to alter one’s visual appearance in order to hide one’s…
disguise n. (Figuratively) The appearance of something on the outside which masks what’s beneath.
disguise n. The act or state of disguising, notably as a ploy.
DISINUREdisinure v. (Obsolete) To make unfamiliar with something; to disaccustom.
DISINURE v. to render unfamiliar.
DISQUIETdisquiet n. Lack of quiet; absence of tranquility in body or mind.
disquiet adj. (Chiefly obsolete) Deprived of quiet; impatient, restless, uneasy.
disquiet v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make (someone or something) worried or anxious.
DISUNITEdisunite v. (Transitive) To cause disagreement or alienation among or within.
disunite v. (Transitive) To separate, sever, or split.
disunite v. (Intransitive) To disintegrate; to come apart.
DIURESISdiuresis n. (Biology, medicine) Excessive production of urine; polyuria.
diuresis n. (Biology, medicine) (more often) The physiologic process that produces such an increase.
diuresis n. (Biology, medicine) (most often) The administration of medications to encourage that process.
FLUIDISEfluidise v. Alternative form of fluidize.
FLUIDISE v. to make fluid, also FLUIDIZE, FLUIDIFY.
MISGUIDEmisguide v. (Transitive) To guide poorly or incorrectly; to lead astray or into error.
MISGUIDE v. to guide wrongly.
NUDITIESnudities n. Plural of nudity.
NUDITY n. the state of being nude.
QUINSIEDquinsied adj. Afflicted with quinsy.
QUINSIED adj. suffering from quinsy, severe inflammation of tonsils and throat.
SEDILIUMsedilium n. (Historical) One of a row of seats in an Ancient Roman amphitheatre.
sedilium n. A seat in the chancel of a church near the altar, for the officiating clergyman.
SEDILIUM n. (Latin) a seat in a church for officiating clergy, also SEDILE.
SQUINIEDsquinied v. Simple past tense and past participle of squiny.
SQUINY v. (dialect) to squint, also SQUINNY.
SUICIDEDsuicided v. Simple past tense and past participle of suicide.
suicided adj. Having killed oneself or self-destructed.
SUICIDE v. to kill oneself intentionally.
SUICIDESsuicides n. Plural of suicide.
suicides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suicide.
SUICIDE v. to kill oneself intentionally.
UNITISEDunitised v. Simple past tense and past participle of unitise.
UNITISE v. to divide into units, also UNITIZE.
UNTIDIESuntidies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of untidy.
UNTIDY v. to make untidy.
URIDINESuridines n. Plural of uridine.
URIDINE n. a pyrimidine nucleoside based on uracil and ribose.
UTILISEDutilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of utilise.
UTILISE v. to make use of, also UTILIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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