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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, E, 2I, R and U

AURIFIEDaurified v. Simple past tense and past participle of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
BLUIDIERBLUIDY adj. (Scots) stained with blood, also BLOODY, BLUDIE, BLUDY.
DELIRIUMdelirium n. (Medicine) A temporary mental state with a sudden onset, usually reversible, including symptoms of confusion…
delirium n. Wild, frenzied excitement or ecstasy.
DELIRIUM n. (Latin) the state of wild excitement.
DISINUREdisinure v. (Obsolete) To make unfamiliar with something; to disaccustom.
DISINURE v. to render unfamiliar.
DIURESISdiuresis n. (Biology, medicine) Excessive production of urine; polyuria.
diuresis n. (Biology, medicine) (more often) The physiologic process that produces such an increase.
diuresis n. (Biology, medicine) (most often) The administration of medications to encourage that process.
DIURETICdiuretic adj. (Medicine, pharmacology) Increasing the amount or frequency of urination.
diuretic n. (Medicine, pharmacology) A drug or a substance that increases the rate of urine excretion.
DIURETIC adj. increasing the flow of urine.
INQUIREDinquired v. Simple past tense and past participle of inquire.
INQUIRE v. to ask about, also ENQUIRE.
MUDIRIEHmudirieh n. Alternative form of mudiriyah.
MUDIRIEH n. (Arabic) the province or office of a mudir, a local governor, also MUDIRIA.
PERIDIUMperidium n. (Mycology) The outer layer that covers the spore-bearing organ in many fungi.
PERIDIUM n. the outer coating of the spore carrier of a fungus.
PRIEDIEUpriedieu n. A kneeling desk for prayers.
prie-dieu n. A piece of furniture on which someone can pray, consisting of a cushioned area to kneel on, with a built-in…
PRIEDIEU n. (French) a low desk with a book-space above and a foot-piece for kneeling in prayer.
PURIFIEDpurified adj. Made or rendered pure or more pure.
purified v. Simple past tense and past participle of purify.
PURIFY v. to cleanse from impurities.
REDUVIIDreduviid adj. (Entomology) of, relating to, or characteristic of the family Reduviidae.
reduviid n. (Entomology) any member of the Reduviidae family of insects, which comprises predatory and blood-sucking…
REDUVIID n. a member of a family of predaceous bugs.
RIDICULEridicule v. (Transitive) to criticize or disapprove of someone or something through scornful jocularity; to make fun of.
ridicule n. Derision; mocking or humiliating words or behaviour.
ridicule n. An object of sport or laughter; a laughing stock.
RUBIFIEDrubified v. Simple past tense and past participle of rubify.
RUBIFY v. to redden, also RUBEFY.
UNTIDIERuntidier adj. Comparative form of untidy: more untidy.
UNTIDY adj. not tidy.
UREDINIAuredinia n. Plural of uredinium.
UREDINIUM n. a uredosorus, a sorus or pustule in which urediniospores are formed, also UREDIUM.
URIDINESuridines n. Plural of uridine.
URIDINE n. a pyrimidine nucleoside based on uracil and ribose.
VIRUCIDEvirucide n. Alternative form of viricide.
VIRUCIDE n. a substance that destroys viruses, also VIRICIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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