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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing D, E, 2I, O and T

DIORITESdiorites n. Plural of diorite.
DIORITE n. a crystalline granular igneous rock composed of plagioclase and hornblende.
DIPTEROIdipteroi n. Plural of dipteros.
DIPTEROS n. (Greek) a building with two colonnades.
EDITIONSeditions n. Plural of edition.
EPIDOTICepidotic adj. Related to, resembling, or containing epidote.
EPIDOTIC adj. resembling or containing epidote.
IDEATIONideation n. The conceptualization of a mental image.
ideation n. (Often business) The synthesis of ideas.
IDEATION n. the power of the mind to form images.
IDIOLECTidiolect n. (Linguistics) The language variant used by a specific individual.
IDIOLECT n. an individual's distinctive form of speech.
IDIOTYPEidiotype n. (Immunology) A characteristic shared by a group of immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor molecules, based…
IDIOTYPE n. the unique part of an antibody.
IDONEITYidoneity n. The state or quality of being idoneous.
IDONEITY n. the state of being suitable.
IODINATEiodinate v. (Transitive) To treat, or to combine, with iodine.
IODINATE v. to treat with iodine, also IODATE.
IODYRITEiodyrite n. (Mineralogy) silver iodide.
IODYRITE n. native silver iodide, a yellow or greenish mineral crystallizing in the hexagonal system.
NOTIFIEDnotified v. Simple past tense and past participle of notify.
NOTIFY v. to inform.
ODDITIESoddities n. Plural of oddity.
ODDITY n. one that is odd.
OTITIDESotitides n. Plural of otitis.
OTITIS n. inflammation of the ear.
RETINOIDretinoid adj. (Rare, obsolete) Pertaining to or resembling a resin.
retinoid n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of compounds whose structure or effects on the body resemble retinol (vitamin A).
RETINOID n. a compound analogous to vitamin A.
SEDITIONsedition n. Organized incitement of rebellion or civil disorder against authority or the state, usually by speech or writing.
sedition n. Insurrection or rebellion.
SEDITION n. incitement or rebellion against a government.
TAENIOIDtaenioid adj. Shaped like a ribbon; ribbonlike.
TAENIOID adj. like a tapeworm.
TOLIDINETOLIDINE n. a type of organic compound, also TOLIDIN.
TONIFIEDtonified v. Simple past tense and past participle of tonify.
tonified adj. Highly fashionable or stylish; classy; tony.
tonified adj. (Linguistics) relying on tone as a determinant of meaning; tonal.
TRIOXIDEtrioxide n. (Chemistry) any oxide containing three oxygen atoms in each molecule.
trioxide n. (Chemistry) any organic compound of general formula R-OOO-R’, derived from trioxidane.
TRIOXIDE n. an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen; as, sulphur trioxide, also TRIOXID.
VIDEOFITvideofit n. A computer-generated image of the face of a suspect, published by the police in an attempt to identify…
VIDEOFIT n. a type of identikit picture put together on television.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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