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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing D, E, G, 2N and S

BENDINGSbendings n. Plural of bending.
BENDING n. the act of bending.
DESININGDESINE v. (Spenser) to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESYNE.
DESYNINGdesyning v. Present participle of desyne.
DESYNE v. (Spenser) to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESINE.
DUNGEONSdungeons n. Plural of dungeon.
DUNGEON v. to confine in an underground prison.
DUNNAGESdunnages n. Plural of dunnage.
DUNNAGE n. wood laid in a ship's hold to keep cargo dry and safe, aka fardage.
ENDOGENSendogens n. Plural of endogen.
ENDOGEN n. a plant which grows from within.
ENSIGNEDensigned v. Simple past tense and past participle of ensign.
ENSIGN v. to mark with a badge or sign.
INDIGENSindigens n. Plural of indigen.
INDIGEN n. one born in a country; an aboriginal animal or plant, also INDIGENE.
LENDINGSlendings n. Plural of lending.
LENDING n. the act of giving in loan.
MENDINGSmendings n. Plural of mending.
MENDING n. an accumulation of articles to be mended.
RENDANGSrendangs n. Plural of rendang.
RENDANG n. an Indonesian dish of meat cooked slowly in a spicy paste.
SCENDINGscending v. Present participle of scend.
SCEND v. of a ship, to pitch into the trough of the sea, also SEND.
SDEININGsdeining v. Present participle of sdein.
SDEIN v. (obsolete) to disdain, also SDAINE, SDAYN, SDEIGN, SDEIGNE.
SENDINGSsendings n. Plural of sending.
SENDING n. an act of despatch or transmission.
SHENDINGshending v. Present participle of shend.
SHEND v. (archaic) to put to shame, chide, also YSHEND.
SNEDDINGsnedding v. Present participle of sned.
SNED v. to cut, lop.
SPENDINGspending n. (Uncountable) gerund of spend, expenditure.
spending n. An amount that has been, or is planned to be spent.
spending v. Present participle of spend.
STENDINGSTEND v. (Scots) to bound, stride vigorously, also STEN.
UNSIGNEDunsigned adj. (Computing) Not accepting negative numbers; having only a positive absolute value.
unsigned adj. Lacking a signature, unendorsed.
unsigned adj. Not signed to an organization such as a sports club or record label.
VENDINGSVENDING n. the act of selling goods for a living.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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