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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, E, G, L, R and U

BLUDGERSbludgers n. Plural of bludger.
BLUDGER n. (Australian slang) an idler, a scrounger.
CUDGELERcudgeler n. One who beats with a cudgel.
CUDGELER n. one who cudgels, also CUDGELLER.
DIRGEFULdirgeful adj. Having the qualities of a dirge; moaning.
dirgeful adj. Funereal.
DIRGEFUL adj. funereal; moaning.
DIVULGERdivulger n. One who divulges something.
DIVULGER n. one who divulges.
DRUGLESSdrugless adj. Without (the use of) drugs.
DRUGLESS adj. being without drugs.
FELDGRAUfeldgrau n. (Uncountable) The greenish-grey colour of German military uniforms.
feldgrau n. (Countable) A German soldier who wears a uniform of this colour.
feldgrau n. (Uncountable, historical) The color of the field uniform of the German Army from late 1907 until 1945.
GRUBBLEDgrubbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of grubble.
GRUBBLE v. to grope, also GRABBLE.
GRUELLEDgruelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gruel.
GRUEL v. to disable by hard work.
GRUMBLEDgrumbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of grumble.
GRUMBLE v. to mutter in discontent.
GRUNDLESgrundles n. Plural of grundle.
GRUNDLE n. (US slang) the perineum.
GRUNTLEDgruntled adj. (Obsolete) Grunted.
gruntled adj. (Humorous) Satisfied, pleased, contented.
GRUNTLE v. (dialect) to put in good humour.
GUILDERSguilders n. Plural of guilder.
GUILDER n. (Dutch) a monetary unit of the Netherlands, also GULDEN.
INDULGERindulger n. One who indulges.
INDULGER n. one who indulges.
KLUDGIERkludgier adj. Comparative form of kludgy: more kludgy.
KLUDGY adj. involving or put together with ill-fitting components, also KLUDGEY.
MAULGREDMAULGRE v. to show spite towards, also MALGRE, MAUGRE.
RUGGEDLYruggedly adv. In a rugged manner.
RUGGED adv. having an uneven surface, also RUGGY.
SLUDGIERsludgier adj. Comparative form of sludgy: more sludgy.
SLUDGY adj. covered with sludge.
SPLURGEDsplurged v. Simple past tense and past participle of splurge.
SPLURGE v. to spend money lavishly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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