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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, E, G, I, T and U

DEBUTINGdebuting v. Present participle of debut.
débuting v. Present participle of début.
DEBUT v. (French) to make a first public appearance in society.
DEPUTINGdeputing v. Present participle of depute.
DEPUTE v. to delegate.
DETUNINGdetuning v. Present participle of detune.
detuning n. The process of something being detuned.
detuning n. (Physics) The difference between actual frequency and resonance frequency.
DIGITULEdigitule n. (Zoology) A little finger or toe, or something resembling one.
DIGITULE n. any small fingerlike process.
DUETTINGduetting v. Present participle of duet.
duetting n. (Music) The singing or playing of a duet.
DUET v. to perform a duet.
DUNGIESTdungiest adj. Superlative form of dungy: most dungy.
DUNGY adj. having the quality of dung, filthy.
DURGIESTDURGY adj. dwarfish.
FATIGUEDfatigued adj. Tired; weary.
fatigued v. Simple past tense and past participle of fatigue.
FATIGUE v. to weary, also FATIGATE.
FUDGIESTfudgiest adj. Superlative form of fudgy: most fudgy.
FUDGY adj. resembling fudge (a soft, sweet candy).
GAUDIESTgaudiest adj. Superlative form of gaudy: most gaudy.
GAUDY adj. tastelessly showy.
JUDGIESTjudgiest adj. Superlative form of judgy: most judgy.
JUDGY adj. tending to judge others, also JUDGEY.
OUTGUIDEoutguide n. A physical placeholder marking the place of a record that has been temporarily removed from a file.
OUTGUIDE v. to surpass in guiding.
PUDGIESTpudgiest adj. Superlative form of pudgy: most pudgy.
PUDGY adj. short and fat, also PODGY, PUDSEY, PUDSY.
QUIGHTEDquighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of quight.
QUIGHT v. (Spenser) to quit, depart from, also QUYTE.
TURGIDERTURGID adj. swollen, inflated, also TURGENT.
UNGIFTEDungifted adj. Not gifted; lacking special talent.
ungifted adj. Not having received a gift.
UNGIFTED adj. not gifted.
UNTINGEDuntinged adj. Not tinged; untouched, unpolluted.
UNTINGED adj. not tinged.
UPGIRTEDUPGIRT v. to gird completely, also UPGIRD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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