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There are 17 eight-letter words containing D, 2E, 2I and T

BEPITIEDbepitied v. Simple past tense and past participle of bepity.
BEPITY v. to pity greatly.
DEFINITEdefinite adj. Having distinct limits.
definite adj. Free from any doubt.
definite adj. Determined; resolved; decided.
DIEGETICdiegetic adj. Of or relating to diegesis.
diegetic adj. (Film) (of film music) Occurring as part of the action (rather than as background), and able to be heard…
DIEGETIC adj. relating to DIEGESIS, the narration of the facts.
DIERETICdieretic adj. (Linguistics) Featuring diæresis.
dieretic adj. Written with a diæresis.
DIERETIC adj. of or like dieresis, the separation of two vowels into two syllables, also DIAERETIC.
DIETETICdietetic adj. Relating to diet.
dietetic adj. Relating to preparation for those on a restricted diet.
DIETETIC adj. pertaining to a diet, also DIETETICAL.
DIETINESdietines n. Plural of dietine.
DIETINE n. a minor or local diet, assembly.
EIDETICSeidetics n. (Philosophy) The study of eidetic reduction.
EIDETIC n. a person with eidetic recall.
ELICITEDelicited v. Simple past tense and past participle of elicit.
ELICIT v. to draw forth.
FETICIDEfeticide n. The killing of a fetus or embryo; an induced abortion.
feticide n. One who kills a fetus.
FETICIDE n. the killing of a fetus.
IDEATIVEideative adj. Relating to ideation.
IDEATIVE adj. relating to ideation, the power of the mind to form images.
INDICTEEindictee n. A person who is indicted.
INDICTEE n. one who is indicted.
INEDITEDinedited adj. Dated form of unedited.
INEDITED adj. not published.
ITEMISEDitemised v. Simple past tense and past participle of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMIZEDitemized v. Simple past tense and past participle of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
SIDERITEsiderite n. (Uncountable, mineralogy) a widespread brown mineral, FeCO3, having the structure of calcite.
siderite n. (Countable) an iron meteorite.
siderite n. An indigo-blue variety of quartz.
TIDELIKEtidelike adj. Resembling the periodic tides of the sea.
TIDELIKE adj. like a tide.
TIDELINEtideline n. A line of floating debris, seaweed etc. that marks the boundary between two surface currents.
TIDELINE n. the edge of the tide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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