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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing D, 2E, G, O and S

DOGEATESdogeates n. Plural of dogeate.
DOGEATE n. the office of a doge, or chief magistrate of Venice, also DOGESHIP, DOGATE.
DOGSLEEPdogsleep n. Feigned sleep.
dogsleep n. (Nautical) The fitful naps taken when all hands are kept up by stress.
dog␣sleep n. A shallow sleep; a pretended sleep.
EGOTISEDegotised v. Simple past tense and past participle of egotise.
EGOTISE v. to talk about oneself a lot, also EGOTIZE.
ENDOGENSendogens n. Plural of endogen.
ENDOGEN n. a plant which grows from within.
GEEKDOMSGEEKDOM n. the world of geeks.
GEOCODESgeocodes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of geocode.
GEOCODE v. to assign geographical coordinates to (a digital data set).
GEODESICgeodesic n. (Mathematics) The shortest curve between two points on a specific surface.
geodesic n. (Mathematics, spherical geometry) A segment of a great circle.
geodesic n. (Mathematics, sciences) A course allowing the parallel-transport of vectors along a course that causes…
GODSPEEDgodspeed interj. Alternative letter-case form of Godspeed.
godspeed n. Alternative letter-case form of Godspeed.
Godspeed interj. (Literary) Used, especially at a parting, to express the wish that the outcome of the actions of a person…
GOLDEYESgoldeyes n. Plural of goldeye.
GOLDEYE n. a freshwater fish.
GOSTEREDGOSTER v. (dialect) to laugh uncontrollably.
HOGWEEDShogweeds n. Plural of hogweed.
HOGWEED n. a coarse umbelliferous plant.
MEGADOSEmegadose n. A dose of drug or vitamin far exceeding the normal or recommended amount, and usually given intentionally…
megadose v. (Transitive) To dose (a patient) with a very large amount of a drug.
megadose v. (Transitive) To dose with a very large amount of (a drug).
OUTEDGESoutedges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outedge.
OUTEDGE n. the farthermost bound.
SHEEPDOGsheepdog n. A breed of dog, used for herding sheep.
sheepdog n. A breed of dog used for guarding sheep.
sheepdog n. (Slang, dated) A chaperon; an adult who accompanies other people in a supervisory role.
SODGEREDSODGER v. to soldier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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