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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing D, 3E, I and T

DEEDIESTdeediest adj. Superlative form of deedy: most deedy.
DEEDY adj. (dialect) industrious.
DELETIVEdeletive adj. Tending to delete or obliterate.
DELETIVE adj. serving to delete, also DELETORY.
DETAINEEdetainee n. Someone who is detained, especially in custody or confinement.
DETAINEE n. one who is detained.
EVENTIDEeventide n. (Archaic, poetic, literary) evening.
EVENTIDE n. evening.
EXPEDITEexpedite v. (Transitive) To accelerate the progress of.
expedite v. (Transitive, by extension) To perform (a task) fast and efficiently.
expedite v. To perform the duties of an expediter.
HEEDIESTHEEDY adj. (Spenser) heedful, careful.
NEEDIESTneediest adj. Superlative form of needy: most needy.
NEEDY adj. in a state of poverty.
REEDIESTreediest adj. Superlative form of reedy: most reedy.
REEDY adj. abounding in reeds.
REEDITEDreedited v. Simple past tense and past participle of reedit.
re-edited v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-edit.
REEDIT v. to edit again.
REITEREDREITER v. to reiterate.
SEEDIESTseediest adj. Superlative form of seedy: most seedy.
SEEDY adj. shabby.
SEEDTIMEseedtime n. The time to sow seeds.
seedtime n. (Figurative) A time for new development.
SEEDTIME n. the season for sowing seeds.
STEEDIEDSTEEDY v. (archaic) to steady, also STEDDY.
STEEDIESSTEEDY v. (archaic) to steady, also STEDDY.
TEPEFIEDtepefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of tepefy.
TEPEFY v. to make or become tepid, or moderately warm.
TWEEDIERtweedier adj. Comparative form of tweedy: more tweedy.
TWEEDY adj. of a refined, traditional, upscale character.
WEEDIESTweediest adj. Superlative form of weedy: most weedy.
WEEDY adj. resembling weeds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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