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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing D, I, N, R, T and U

INTRUDEintrude v. (Intransitive) To thrust oneself in; to come or enter without invitation, permission, or welcome; to…
intrude v. (Transitive) To force in.
INTRUDE v. to thrust or force oneself in.
TRIDUANtriduan adj. Lasting three days.
triduan adj. Happening every third day.
triduan n. An event lasting three days.
TURDINEturdine adj. Of or relating to the thrushes, or the Turdidae.
TURDINE adj. belonging to a family of singing birds.
TURDIONTURDION n. (French) a Renaissance dance similar to but slower than a galliard, also TORDION.
UNITARDunitard n. A skin-tight garment covering the torso and the legs, sometimes the arms and feet.
UNITARD n. a leotard that also covers the legs.
UNTIREDuntired adj. Not tired; unwearied.
untired adj. Alternative form of untyred (“not fitted with tyres”).
UNTIRED adj. not tired.
UNTRIDEuntride adj. Obsolete form of untried.
UNTRIDE adj. (Shakespeare) not tried, not ventured on.
UNTRIEDuntried adj. Not yet tried or tested; unknown.
untried adj. (Law) Not put on trial; not taken before a legal court.
UNTRIED adj. not tried.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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