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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 9 fifteen-letter words containing D, 2N, 2T and V

ANTIDEVELOPMENTantidevelopment adj. (Politics) Opposed to development, particularly the development of neighborhoods or land.
ANTIDEVELOPMENT adj. opposed to development.
DECONTAMINATIVEDECONTAMINATIVE adj. related to decontamination.
DISTINCTIVENESSdistinctiveness n. The quality of being distinctive, individual or discrete.
distinctiveness n. Something which distinguishes something from anything else.
DISTINCTIVENESS n. the state of being distinctive.
INDISTINCTIVELYindistinctively adv. In an indistinct manner.
INDISTINCTIVE adv. lacking distinctive qualities.
NONADDITIVITIESnonadditivities n. Plural of nonadditivity.
NONADDITIVITY n. the state of being nonadditive.
NONPRODUCTIVITYnonproductivity n. Lack of productivity.
NONPRODUCTIVITY n. the state of being nonproductive.
OVERENTERTAINEDoverentertained adj. Entertained too much.
OVERENTERTAINED adj. excessively entertained.
UNDEMONSTRATIVEundemonstrative adj. Not given to showing emotion or feelings; reserved or distant.
UNDEMONSTRATIVE adj. restrained in expression of feeling.
UNDERINVESTMENTunderinvestment n. An insufficient investment.
UNDERINVESTMENT n. an insufficient amount of investment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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