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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing D, I, P, T and 2U

DESULPHURATINGdesulphurating v. Present participle of desulphurate.
DESULPHURATE v. to remove sulphur from.
DESULPHURATIONdesulphuration n. The act or process of depriving of sulfur.
DESULPHURATION n. the act of desulphuring.
DISPUTATIOUSLYdisputatiously adv. In a disputatious manner.
DISPUTATIOUS adv. inclined to dispute.
INTUSSUSCEPTEDintussuscepted adj. Received into some other thing or part, like a sword into a sheath.
INTUSSUSCEPT v. to take in by or cause to undergo intussusception.
MULTICUSPIDATEmulticuspidate adj. Having more than one cusp.
MULTICUSPIDATE adj. having two or more cusps, also MULTICUSPID.
OUTMANIPULATEDoutmanipulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmanipulate.
OUTMANIPULATE v. to surpass in manipulation.
OUTREPRODUCINGoutreproducing v. Present participle of outreproduce.
OUTREPRODUCE v. to surpass in reproducing.
PEDUNCULATIONSpedunculations n. Plural of pedunculation.
PEDUNCULATION n. the state of being pedunculate.
PSEUDOSOLUTIONpseudosolution n. A suspension or colloid that has very small particles.
pseudosolution n. An apparent solution that would not actually solve the problem.
PSEUDOSOLUTION n. a false solution.
QUADRUPLICATEDquadruplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of quadruplicate.
quadruplicated adj. Replicated four times.
QUADRUPLICATE v. to make quadruple or fourfold.
QUADRUPLICATESquadruplicates n. Plural of quadruplicate.
quadruplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quadruplicate.
QUADRUPLICATE v. to make quadruple or fourfold.
QUINTUPLICATEDquintuplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of quintuplicate.
QUINTUPLICATE v. to make quintuple or fivefold.
SUPERINDUCTIONsuperinduction n. The act or the result of superinducing.
SUPERINDUCTION n. the act of superinducing.
SUPERINSULATEDsuperinsulated adj. (Of a building etc.) Having superinsulation.
superinsulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of superinsulate.
SUPERINSULATED adj. extremely insulated.
UNCOMPUTERISEDuncomputerised adj. Alternative spelling of uncomputerized.
UNCOMPUTERISED adj. not computerised, also UNCOMPUTERIZED.
UNCOMPUTERIZEDuncomputerized adj. Not computerized.
UNCOMPUTERIZED adj. not computerized, also UNCOMPUTERISED.
UNPRODUCTIVELYunproductively adv. In an unproductive manner.
UNPRODUCTIVE adv. not productive.
UNPRODUCTIVITYunproductivity n. Unproductiveness.
UNPRODUCTIVITY n. not productivity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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