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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing D, L, 2O and 2P

ALLOPOLYPLOIDallopolyploid adj. (Genetics) Having multiple complete sets of chromosomes derived from different species.
allopolyploid n. (Biology) Such an organism.
ALLOPOLYPLOID n. a polyploid having a chromosome set composed of chromosome derived from different species.
AUTOPOLYPLOIDautopolyploid adj. (Genetics) Having more than two sets of chromosomes, derived from the same species, as a result of redoubling.
autopolyploid n. Any organism of this kind.
AUTOPOLYPLOID n. an individual or strain whose chromosome complement consists of more than two complete copies of the genome of a single ancestral species.
CEPHALOPODANSCEPHALOPODAN n. any marine mollusc of the class Cephalopoda, that includes the octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and pearly nautilus, also CEPHALOPOD.
CEPHALOPODOUScephalopodous adj. (Zoology) Belonging to, or resembling, the cephalopods.
CEPHALOPODOUS adj. of or like a cephalopod, also CEPHALOPODIC.
DEOPPILATIONSdeoppilations n. Plural of deoppilation.
DEOPPILATION n. the act of deoppilating, freeing from obstruction.
DEPOPULATIONSdepopulations n. Plural of depopulation.
DEPOPULATION n. the act of depopulating.
DIPLEIDOSCOPEdipleidoscope n. (Astronomy) An instrument for determining the time of apparent noon. It consists of two mirrors and…
DIPLEIDOSCOPE n. an instrument for ascertaining the moment of meridian passage by observing the coincidence of two images.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDendopolyploid adj. Exhibiting or relating to endopolyploidy.
endopolyploid n. Any organism that exhibits endopolyploidy.
ENDOPOLYPLOID adj. relating to endopolyploidy.
LEPIDOPTERONSlepidopterons n. Plural of lepidopteron.
LEPIDOPTERON n. any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, typically having two pairs of wings covered with fragile scales, also LEPIDOPTERAN.
LEPIDOPTEROUSlepidopterous adj. Having scaly wings.
lepidopterous adj. Of, or pertaining to butterflies.
LEPIDOPTEROUS adj. having four wings, such as a moth or butterfly.
LIPODYSTROPHYlipodystrophy n. (Pathology) A disorder characterized by abnormal or degenerative conditions of the body’s adipose tissue.
LIPODYSTROPHY n. a medical condition characterized by abnormal or degenerative conditions of the body's adipose tissue.
OLIGOPEPTIDESoligopeptides n. Plural of oligopeptide.
OLIGOPEPTIDE n. a peptide comprising less than ten amino acids.
OVERPOPULATEDoverpopulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overpopulate.
overpopulated adj. Having or consisting of a higher population than can be sustained.
OVERPOPULATE v. to populate too densely.
PHILOSOPHISEDphilosophised v. Simple past tense and past participle of philosophise.
PHILOSOPHISE v. to reason in the manner of a philosopher, also PHILOSOPHIZE.
PHILOSOPHIZEDphilosophized v. Simple past tense and past participle of philosophize.
PHILOSOPHIZE v. to reason in the manner of a philosopher, also PHILOSOPHISE.
PHOSPHOLIPIDSphospholipids n. Plural of phospholipid.
PHOSPHOLIPID n. a lipid which contains a phosphate group and also a nitrogenous group.
POLYADELPHOUSpolyadelphous adj. (Botany) Having stamens combined in more than two groups.
POLYADELPHOUS adj. of stamens, united in several bundles; having the stamens so united.
POLYPROTODONTpolyprotodont n. Any marsupial of the order Polyprotodontia.
POLYPROTODONT n. any member of the Polyprotodontia, the suborder of marsupials, including opossums, dasyures, etc., with many small incisors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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