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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing D, L, M, P and 2S

ALDERMANSHIPSaldermanships n. Plural of aldermanship.
ALDERMANSHIP n. the office of alderman.
COMPLETEDNESScompletedness n. The quality of being completed.
COMPLETEDNESS n. the state of being completed.
COMPLEXEDNESScomplexedness n. The state or quality of being complexed.
COMPLEXEDNESS n. the state of being complex.
DEPOLYMERISESdepolymerises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of depolymerise.
DEPOLYMERISE v. to break a large molecule into simpler ones that have the same basic formula, also DEPOLYMERIZE.
DEUTEROPLASMSDEUTEROPLASM n. the food material, such as yolk or fat, within an egg or cell.
DISCOMPOSEDLYdiscomposedly adv. In a discomposed manner.
DISCOMPOSED adv. DISCOMPOSE, to disarrange; to disturb.
DISPLACEMENTSdisplacements n. Plural of displacement.
DISPLACEMENT n. the act of displacing.
DISSEPIMENTALdissepimental adj. Relating to a dissepiment.
DISSEPIMENTAL adj. relating to a dissepiment, a partition in an ovary.
EPIDERMOLYSESEPIDERMOLYSIS n. a state of detachment or loosening of the epidermis.
EPIDERMOLYSISepidermolysis n. (Pathology) A connective tissue disease.
EPIDERMOLYSIS n. a state of detachment or loosening of the epidermis.
IMPASSIONEDLYimpassionedly adv. In an impassioned manner.
IMPASSIONED adv. IMPASSION, to arouse the passions of.
PALINDROMISTSpalindromists n. Plural of palindromist.
PALINDROMIST n. one who composes palindromes.
PLASMODESMATAplasmodesmata n. Plural of plasmodesma.
PLASMODESMA n. a strand of living cytoplasm connecting two cells, also PLASMODESM.
POLYDEMONISMSPOLYDEMONISM n. the belief in and worship of numerous supernatural powers, also POLYDAEMONISM.
PSEUDOCOELOMSpseudocoeloms n. Plural of pseudocoelom.
SPASMODICALLYspasmodically adv. In a spasmodic manner; intermittently.
SPASMODICAL adv. relating to, or occurring in, spasms, also SPASMODIC.
SULPHONAMIDESsulphonamides n. Plural of sulphonamide.
SULPHONAMIDE n. an organic amide of a sulphonic acid; specifically any of the drugs derived from sulphanilamide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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