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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing D, 2I, P, U and Y

APTITUDINALLYaptitudinally adv. In an aptitudinal manner.
APTITUDINAL adv. relating to aptitude.
DISPUTABILITYdisputability n. The state or quality of being disputable; disputableness.
DISPUTABILITY n. the quality of being disputable.
DISPUTATIVELYdisputatively adv. In a disputative manner.
DISPUTATIVE adv. inclined to dispute.
DUPLICABILITYduplicability n. The quality of being duplicable.
DUPLICABILITY n. the quality of being duplicable.
DUPLICITOUSLYduplicitously adv. In a duplicitous, two-faced manner.
DUPLICITOUS adv. given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
EXPEDITIOUSLYexpeditiously adv. In an expeditious manner.
EXPEDITIOUS adv. characterized by or acting promptly and efficiently.
PERDURABILITYperdurability n. The state of being perdurable.
PERDURABILITY n. the state of being perdurable.
PREJUDICIALLYprejudicially adv. In a prejudicial manner.
PREJUDICIAL adv. tending to injure or impair.
PRODUCIBILITYproducibility n. The quality or state of being producible.
producibility n. The measure of the relative ease of manufacturing.
PRODUCIBILITY n. the capacity to be produced.
PRUDENTIALITYprudentiality n. The quality or state of being prudential.
PRUDENTIALITY n. the state of being prudential.
PYCNOCONIDIUMPYCNOCONIDIUM n. an asexual fungal spore produced in a pycnidium.
QUADRUPLICITYquadruplicity n. A group of four things.
QUADRUPLICITY n. the state of being quadruple.
SUPERFLUIDITYsuperfluidity n. (Physics) The frictionless flow that is characteristic of a fluid with zero viscosity, especially liquid…
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
UPGRADABILITYupgradability n. (Computing, of electronic equipment) Capability of being improved in functionality by the addition or…
UPGRADABILITY n. the state of being upgradable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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