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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing D, G, L, O, P and T

DACTYLOGRAPHYdactylography n. The science of using fingerprints to uniquely identify people.
dactylography n. The study of finger rings.
DACTYLOGRAPHY n. the study of fingerprints as a means of identification.
DEPHLEGMATIONdephlegmation n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The operation of separating water from spirits and acids, by evaporation or repeated…
DEPHLEGMATION n. the process of dephlegmating.
DEPHLEGMATORSdephlegmators n. Plural of dephlegmator.
DEPHLEGMATOR n. an agent that dephlegmates.
DIPHTHONGALLYdiphthongally adv. By means of a diphthong.
DIPHTHONGAL adv. of or like a diphthong.
DIPLOMATISINGdiplomatising v. Present participle of diplomatise.
DIPLOMATISE v. to practise, or bring about by, diplomacy, also DIPLOMATIZE.
DIPLOMATIZINGdiplomatizing v. Present participle of diplomatize.
DIPLOMATIZE v. to practise, or bring about by, diplomacy, also DIPLOMATISE.
DIPLOMATOLOGYdiplomatology n. The study or science of diplomatics, charters, decrees, etc.
DIPLOMATOLOGY n. the study of diplomats.
GLADIATORSHIPgladiatorship n. The conduct, state, or art of a gladiator.
GLADIATORSHIP n. the state of being a gladiator.
GLYCOPEPTIDESglycopeptides n. Plural of glycopeptide.
GLYCOPEPTIDE n. any of the compounds formed by the conjugation of a protein with a substance containing a carbohydrate group other than a nucleic acid.
OLIGOPEPTIDESoligopeptides n. Plural of oligopeptide.
OLIGOPEPTIDE n. a peptide comprising less than ten amino acids.
PEPTIDOGLYCANpeptidoglycan n. (Biochemistry) A polymer of glycan and peptides found in bacterial cell walls.
PEPTIDOGLYCAN n. a polymer in the cell walls of procaryotes.
PRODIGALITIESprodigalities n. Plural of prodigality.
PRODIGALITY n. the state of being prodigal.
PROGLOTTIDEANPROGLOTTIDEAN adj. of or like a proglottis, a segment of a tapeworm.
PROSTAGLANDINprostaglandin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of naturally occurring lipids derived from the C20 acid prostanoic acid;…
PROSTAGLANDIN n. any of a group of chemical substances secreted by various parts of the body into the bloodstream and found to have a wide range of effects on the body processes, e.g. on muscle contraction.
PTERIDOLOGISTpteridologist n. A person who studies ferns and other pteridophytes.
PTERIDOLOGIST n. one who studies pteridology.
TROTHPLIGHTEDtrothplighted adj. (Dated) Having pledged one’s troth; engaged; promised.
trothplighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of trothplight.
TROTHPLIGHT v. to betroth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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