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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, F, H, I, R and S

CHESTERFIELDSchesterfields n. Plural of chesterfield.
Chesterfields n. Plural of Chesterfield.
DEHUMIDIFIERSdehumidifiers n. Plural of dehumidifier.
DEHUMIDIFIER n. an apparatus for reducing humidity.
DISFRANCHISEDdisfranchised v. Simple past tense and past participle of disfranchise.
DISFRANCHISE v. to deprive of franchise.
DISFRANCHISESdisfranchises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disfranchise.
DISFRANCHISE v. to deprive of franchise.
DISFURNISHINGdisfurnishing v. Present participle of disfurnish.
DISFURNISH v. to strip, render destitute.
DRAFTSMANSHIPdraftsmanship n. The art or craft of a draftsman.
draftsmanship n. The skill of drawing.
DRAFTSMANSHIP n. the craft of the draftsman, also DRAUGHTSMANSHIP.
FARTHINGLANDSfarthinglands n. Plural of farthingland.
FARTHINGLAND n. a varying area of land.
FOOLHARDINESSfoolhardiness n. The quality of being foolhardy.
FOOLHARDINESS n. the state of being foolhardy.
FORESHADOWINGforeshadowing v. Present participle of foreshadow.
foreshadowing n. (Literature, usually uncountable) A literary device whereby an author drops hints or symbolic representations…
FORESHADOWING n. the act of foreshadowing.
FORESIGHTEDLYforesightedly adv. With foresight; in a foresighted manner.
FORESIGHTED adv. having foresight.
HANDICRAFTERShandicrafters n. Plural of handicrafter.
HANDICRAFTER n. one who practises handicrafts.
HANDKERCHIEFShandkerchiefs n. Plural of handkerchief.
HANDKERCHIEF n. a small usually square piece of cloth used for usually personal purposes (as blowing the nose) or as a clothing accessory, also HANDKERCHER.
HEXAFLUORIDEShexafluorides n. Plural of hexafluoride.
HEXAFLUORIDE n. a chemical compound with the general formula XF6.
HYDROFORMINGSHYDROFORMING n. the catalytic reforming of petroleum to increase the proportion of aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons.
OFFICEHOLDERSofficeholders n. Plural of officeholder.
office-holders n. Plural of office-holder.
office␣holders n. Plural of office holder.
UNDERFINISHEDunderfinished adj. Of animals reared for meat: having less fat than is desirable.
UNDERFINISHED adj. of cattle and sheep, having too little finish.
UNDERSHERIFFSundersheriffs n. Plural of undersheriff.
UNDERSHERIFF n. one below the rank of sheriff.
UNFRIENDSHIPSUNFRIENDSHIP n. (archaic) unfriendliness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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