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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, 2L, M and U

DEMIURGICALLYdemiurgically adv. In the manner of a demiurge.
DEMIURGICAL adv. relating to a demiurge, also DEMIURGEOUS, DEMIURGIC.
DEMULTIPLEXERdemultiplexer n. (Computing, electronics) A device or piece of software used to separate signals that were previously…
DEMULTIPLEXER n. an electronic device that separates a multiplex signal into its component parts.
DISILLUMINATEdisilluminate v. (Transitive) To destroy the light of; to darken.
DISILLUMINATE v. to destroy the light of, to darken.
FUNDAMENTALLYfundamentally adv. In a fundamental or basic sense; reaching the very core of the matter.
FUNDAMENTAL adv. basic.
JUDGEMENTALLYjudgementally adv. Alternative form of judgmentally.
JUDGEMENTAL adv. giving to making judgements, also JUDGMENTAL.
MANGOLDWURZELmangoldwurzel n. Alternative form of mangelwurzel.
mangold␣wurzel n. Mangelwurzel.
MANGOLDWURZEL n. a mangelwurzel, also MANGELWURZEL.
MISCALCULATEDmiscalculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscalculate.
MISCALCULATE v. to calculate wrongly.
MISCOUNSELLEDmiscounselled v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscounsel.
MISCOUNSEL v. to counsel or advise wrongly.
MOLLUSCICIDESmolluscicides n. Plural of molluscicide.
MOLLUSCICIDE n. the killing of molluscs.
MULTIBARRELEDmultibarreled adj. Having more than one barrel.
MULTIBARRELED adj. of a gun, having many barrels, also MULTIBARRELLED.
MULTICOLOUREDmulticoloured adj. Alternative spelling of multicolored.
multi-coloured adj. Britain standard spelling of multi-colored.
MULTICOLOURED adj. having many colours, also MULTICOLORED.
MULTICYLINDERmulticylinder adj. Having or relating to more than one cylinder.
MULTICYLINDER adj. of an engine, having many cylinders.
MULTILEVELLEDmultilevelled adj. Alternative spelling of multileveled.
multi-levelled adj. Alternative form of multileveled.
MULTITALENTEDmultitalented adj. Having skill or talent in more than one field.
multi-talented adj. Alternative form of multitalented.
MULTITALENTED adj. having many talents.
MUZZLELOADERSmuzzleloaders n. Plural of muzzleloader.
muzzle-loaders n. Plural of muzzle-loader.
SMOULDERINGLYsmoulderingly adv. Alternative form of smolderingly.
SMOULDERINGLY adv. in the manner of burning with no flame.
SULFANILAMIDEsulfanilamide n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of amino substituted aromatic sulfonamides that are used as antifungal…
SULFANILAMIDE n. a crystalline sulfonamide that is the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs.
UNEMBELLISHEDunembellished adj. Plain, unadorned, or simple.
UNEMBELLISHED adj. not embellished.
UNILLUMINATEDunilluminated adj. Not illuminated.
UNILLUMINATED adj. not illuminated.
UNMELODIOUSLYunmelodiously adv. In an unmelodious manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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