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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing 2D, N, 2O and U

BLOODCURDLINGbloodcurdling adj. Causing great horror or terror.
blood-curdling adj. Causing terror or horror.
BLOODCURDLING adj. arousing fright or horror.
DECOMPOUNDINGdecompounding v. Present participle of decompound.
DECOMPOUND v. to decompose, decay.
DEMODULATIONSdemodulations n. Plural of demodulation.
DEMODULATION n. the act of demodulating.
DUODECILLIONSduodecillions n. Plural of duodecillion.
DUODECILLION n. ten to the power of 39.
EUDICOTYLEDONeudicotyledon n. (Botany) Alternative form of eudicot.
EUDICOTYLEDON n. an angiosperm having two cotyledons in the seed.
MISUNDERSTOODmisunderstood v. Simple past tense and past participle of misunderstand.
misunderstood adj. Not comprehended correctly.
misunderstood adj. Unfairly disliked as a result of prejudice, slander, or hasty assumptions.
PSEUDOMONADESpseudomonades n. Plural of pseudomonas.
PSEUDOMONAD n. a virgate plant and animal pathogen.
THOUSANDFOLDSthousandfolds n. Plural of thousandfold.
THOUSANDFOLD n. a thousand times as much.
UNCONDITIONEDunconditioned adj. Without conditions; absolute.
unconditioned adj. Not having been conditioned.
unconditioned adj. Not treated with hair conditioner.
UNCOORDINATEDuncoordinated adj. (Of a group or body etc.) Having components that act independently of each other.
uncoordinated adj. (Of a project etc.) Not coordinated or properly planned.
uncoordinated adj. (Of body movement) Lacking coordination.
UNDISHONOUREDundishonoured adj. Not dishonoured.
UNDISHONOURED adj. not dishonoured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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