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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing 2D, G, I, L and U

BLOODCURDLINGbloodcurdling adj. Causing great horror or terror.
blood-curdling adj. Causing terror or horror.
BLOODCURDLING adj. arousing fright or horror.
BODYBUILDINGSBODYBUILDING n. the sport of building up one's physique.
DEDUPLICATINGdeduplicating v. Present participle of deduplicate.
DEDUPLICATE v. to remove (duplicated material) from a system.
DEFEUDALISINGdefeudalising v. Present participle of defeudalise.
DEFEUDALISE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALIZE.
DEFEUDALIZINGdefeudalizing v. Present participle of defeudalize.
DEFEUDALIZE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALISE.
ROADBUILDINGSSorry, definition not available.
STUDDINGSAILSstuddingsails n. Plural of studdingsail.
studding␣sails n. Plural of studding sail.
STUDDINGSAIL n. an additional sail set at the outer edges of a square sail when the wind is light and abaft the beam, also STUNSAIL.
UNDEMANDINGLYundemandingly adv. In an undemanding way; not demanding anything or anyone.
UNDERBUILDINGunderbuilding n. A substructure; foundation; infrastructure.
UNDERBUILD v. to build under in support; to build too little.
UNDISGUISEDLYundisguisedly adv. In an undisguised manner; openly.
UNDISGUISED adv. not disguised or concealed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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