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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2D, 2E, F and S

BEFUDDLEMENTSbefuddlements n. Plural of befuddlement.
BEFUDDLEMENT n. the state of being befuddled.
DEFENESTRATEDdefenestrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of defenestrate.
DEFENESTRATE v. to throw out of a window.
DEFEUDALISINGdefeudalising v. Present participle of defeudalise.
DEFEUDALISE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALIZE.
DEHUMIDIFIERSdehumidifiers n. Plural of dehumidifier.
DEHUMIDIFIER n. an apparatus for reducing humidity.
DIGNIFIEDNESSDIGNIFIEDNESS n. the state of being dignified.
DISAFFECTEDLYdisaffectedly adv. In a disaffected manner.
DISAFFECTED adv. DISAFFECT, to take away the affection of; to make discontented or unfriendly.
DISAFFORESTEDdisafforested v. Simple past tense and past participle of disafforest.
DISAFFOREST v. to clear of forest, also DISFOREST.
FADDISHNESSESFADDISHNESS n. the state of being faddish.
FATHEADEDNESSfatheadedness n. The quality of being fatheaded.
FATHEADED n. stupid.
FIELDSTRIPPEDfieldstripped v. Simple past tense and past participle of fieldstrip.
field␣stripped v. Simple past tense and past participle of field strip.
FIELDSTRIP v. to take apart a weapon for routine cleaning etc.
FORMALDEHYDESformaldehydes n. Plural of formaldehyde.
FORMALDEHYDE n. a formic aldehyde, formalin.
INTERDIFFUSEDinterdiffused v. Simple past tense and past participle of interdiffuse.
interdiffused adj. Mutually diffused.
INTERDIFFUSE v. to diffuse between.
MISIDENTIFIEDmisidentified v. Simple past tense and past participle of misidentify.
misidentified adj. Identified incorrectly.
MISIDENTIFY v. to identify wrongly.
OFFHANDEDNESSoffhandedness n. The property of being offhand.
off-handedness n. Alternative form of offhandedness.
OFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.
SCHADENFREUDEschadenfreude n. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.
SCHADENFREUDE n. (German) enjoyment gained from others' troubles.
SUBINFEUDATEDsubinfeudated v. Simple past tense and past participle of subinfeudate.
SUBINFEUDATE v. to grant to another land held by another feudal lord, also SUBFEU, SUBINFEUD.
UNDERFEEDINGSunderfeedings n. Plural of underfeeding.
UNDERFEEDING n. the act of feeding inadequately.
UNDERFINISHEDunderfinished adj. Of animals reared for meat: having less fat than is desirable.
UNDERFINISHED adj. of cattle and sheep, having too little finish.
UNDIVERSIFIEDundiversified adj. Not diversified.
UNDIVERSIFIED adj. not diversified.
UNFOUNDEDNESSunfoundedness n. The state or condition of being unfounded.
UNFOUNDEDNESS n. the state of being unfounded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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