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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing D, 2L, P, S and T

ALPROSTADILSSorry, definition not available.
APFELSTRUDELapfelstrudel n. Apple strudel.
APFELSTRUDEL n. (German) apple strudel.
DESPITEFULLYdespitefully adv. (Archaic) In a despiteful manner; spitefully.
DESPITEFUL adv. (archaic) full of despite, malicious.
DESPOTICALLYdespotically adv. In a despotic manner.
DESPOTICAL adv. having the character of, or pertaining to, a despot, also DESPOTIC.
DIPLOBLASTICdiploblastic adj. (Biology) Having two embryonic germ layers (the ectoderm and the endoderm).
DIPLOBLASTIC adj. having ectoderm and endoderm but no mesoderm, as in coelenterates.
LEPTODACTYLSLEPTODACTYL n. a bird or other animal with long slender toes.
LEUCOPLASTIDleucoplastid n. (Biology) A kind of unpigmented plastid involved in a wide range of essential biosynthetic functions.
LEUCOPLASTID n. a starch-forming body in protoplasm.
LIPIDOPLASTSLIPIDOPLAST n. a small particle in plant cytoplasm, esp. that of seeds, in which fat is stored.
PEDESTALLINGpedestalling v. Present participle of pedestal.
PEDESTAL v. to provide with an architectural support.
PETRODOLLARSpetrodollars n. Plural of petrodollar.
petrodollars n. Money earned through the sale of petroleum.
PETRODOLLAR n. a dollar's worth of foreign exchange obtained by a petroleum exporting country through sales abroad.
POLLUTEDNESSpollutedness n. The state of being polluted.
POLLUTEDNESS n. the state of being polluted.
PORTCULLISEDportcullised v. Simple past tense and past participle of portcullis.
PORTCULLIS v. to obstruct as with a portcullis.
POSTDILUVIALpostdiluvial adj. After the Biblical Flood.
POSTDILUVIAL adj. after the Flood.
PREINSTALLEDpreinstalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of preinstall.
SEPTICIDALLYsepticidally adv. (Botany) In a septicidal manner.
SEPTICIDAL adv. with splitting of septa, as when a fruit dehisces by separation of the carpels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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