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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, G, H, L, R and Y

AFFRIGHTEDLYaffrightedly adv. (Archaic, poetic) with fright.
AFFRIGHTED adv. AFFRIGHT, to frighten.
BIGHEARTEDLYbigheartedly adv. In a bighearted manner.
big-heartedly adv. Alternative form of bigheartedly.
BIGHEARTED adv. generous, charitable.
DENDROGLYPHSdendroglyphs n. Plural of dendroglyph.
DENDROGLYPH n. an ancient carving on a tree.
DISTRAUGHTLYdistraughtly adv. In a distraught manner.
DISTRAUGHT adv. agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain.
DITRIGLYPHICditriglyphic adj. (Architecture) Relating to ditriglyphs.
DITRIGLYPHIC adj. of or like a ditriglyph, a space for two triglyphs in the entablature between columns.
FARSIGHTEDLYfarsightedly adv. In a farsighted manner.
FARSIGHTED adv. seeing or able to see to a great distance.
GEOHYDROLOGYgeohydrology n. (Geology) hydrogeology.
GEOHYDROLOGY n. a science that deals with the character, source, and mode of occurrence of underground water.
GOLDSMITHERYgoldsmithery n. The work of a goldsmith.
GOLDSMITHERY n. the craft of a goldsmith, also GOLDSMITHRY.
HEADSTRONGLYheadstrongly adv. In a headstrong manner.
HEADSTRONG adv. impetuous.
HIEROGLYPHEDhieroglyphed adj. Inscribed with hieroglyphs.
HIEROGLYPH v. to represent by hieroglyphs.
HYDROBIOLOGYhydrobiology n. (Biology) The study of the biology of the organisms that inhabit bodies of water.
HYDROBIOLOGY n. the study of aquatic organisms.
HYDROGEOLOGYhydrogeology n. The geology of groundwater, especially concerning the physical, biological and chemical properties of…
HYDROGEOLOGY n. the study of the geological action of water.
HYDROLOGICALhydrological adj. Of or pertaining to hydrology.
HYDROLOGICAL adj. relating to hydrology, also HYDROLOGIC.
HYDROLOGISTShydrologists n. Plural of hydrologist.
HYDROLOGIST n. an expert in hydrology.
HYDROPLANINGhydroplaning v. Present participle of hydroplane.
hydroplaning n. (Automotive, US, Canada) The loss of contact with the road because of surface water. The act of aquaplaning.
HYDROPLANE v. to travel by hydroplane, a light, flat-bottomed motorboat.
JELLYGRAPHEDjellygraphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
SHUDDERINGLYshudderingly adv. With a shuddering motion.
SHUDDERING adv. trembling.
THUNDERINGLYthunderingly adv. In a thundering way; with great noise or fury.
thunderingly adv. (Informal) Extremely; marvellously.
THUNDERING adv. resounding.
TYROGLYPHIDSTYROGLYPHID n. a mite of the genus Tyroglyphus, including the cheesemite and the flour-mite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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