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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing D, F, N, 2O and S

AFFICIONADOSafficionados n. Plural of afficionado.
AFFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFICIONADO.
DEFLORATIONSdeflorations n. Plural of defloration.
DEFLORATION n. rupture of the hymen.
DEFOLIATIONSdefoliations n. Plural of defoliation.
DEFOLIATION n. the act of defoliating.
DEFORMATIONSdeformations n. Plural of deformation.
DEFORMATION n. alteration of form or shape.
DORSIFLEXIONdorsiflexion n. (Medicine) Flexion in the dorsal direction.
DORSIFLEXION n. a bending backwards; a bending of the back.
FAUXBOURDONSFAUXBOURDON n. (French) a type of improvised polyphony, popular in England from the 15th century to the Reformation, also FABURDEN.
FEMTOSECONDSfemtoseconds n. Plural of femtosecond.
FEMTOSECOND n. one quadrillionth part of a second.
FOODLESSNESSfoodlessness n. Absence of food.
FOODLESSNESS n. the state of being foodless.
FOURFOLDNESSfourfoldness n. The property of being fourfold.
FOURFOLDNESS n. the state of being fourfold.
FRONDIFEROUSfrondiferous adj. Producing fronds.
FRONDIFEROUS adj. bearing or producing fronds.
HINDFOREMOSTHINDFOREMOST adv. with the back part in the front place.
OVERFONDNESSoverfondness n. Excessive fondness.
OVERFONDNESS n. the state of being overfond.
PHONOFIDDLESphonofiddles n. Plural of phonofiddle.
PHONOFIDDLE n. a one-stringed musical instrument which emits sounds through a metal amplifying horn.
PROFOUNDNESSprofoundness n. The quality of being profound; profundity.
PROFOUNDNESS n. the state of being profound.
SINGLEFOOTEDsinglefooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of singlefoot.
SOUNDPROOFEDsoundproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of soundproof.
SOUNDPROOF v. to insulate so as to obstruct the passage of sound.
THOUSANDFOLDthousandfold adj. Multiplied by one thousand (1000), repeated a thousand times.
thousandfold adj. Having one thousand parts or members.
thousandfold adv. By a factor of a thousand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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