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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, F, 2N, R and S

DISINFORMINGdisinforming v. Present participle of disinform.
DISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also MISINFORM.
ENFRANCHISEDenfranchised v. Simple past tense and past participle of enfranchise.
enfranchised adj. Emancipated.
ENFRANCHISE v. to admit to the privileges of a citizen and esp. to the right of suffrage.
FANFARONADESfanfaronades n. Plural of fanfaronade.
FANFARONADE n. (French) empty boasting, bluster.
FORESPENDINGforespending v. Present participle of forespend.
FORESPEND v. to wear out physically, also FORSPEND.
FREESTANDINGfreestanding adj. Standing or set apart.
freestanding adj. Not attached to anything.
freestanding adj. Not supported by or on anything.
FRIENDLINESSfriendliness n. The quality of being friendly.
FRIENDLINESS n. the state of being friendly.
FRONDESCENCEfrondescence n. (Botany) The time at which a plant unfolds its leaves.
frondescence n. The act of bursting into leaf.
FRONDESCENCE n. the formation of leaves.
FUNDRAISINGSfundraisings n. Plural of fundraising.
FUNDRAISING n. the act of raising funds.
INDEMNIFIERSindemnifiers n. Plural of indemnifier.
INDEMNIFIER n. one who indemnifies.
INDIFFERENTSindifferents n. Plural of indifferent.
INDIFFERENT n. a person who is indifferent.
OVERFONDNESSoverfondness n. Excessive fondness.
OVERFONDNESS n. the state of being overfond.
OVERFUNDINGSoverfundings n. Plural of overfunding.
OVERFUNDING n. the act of funding to excess.
PROFOUNDNESSprofoundness n. The quality of being profound; profundity.
PROFOUNDNESS n. the state of being profound.
RANGEFINDERSrangefinders n. Plural of rangefinder.
range␣finders n. Plural of range finder.
RANGEFINDER n. an instrument for finding the distance of an object.
UNDERFISHINGunderfishing v. Present participle of underfish.
UNDERFISH v. to fish insufficiently.
UNFRANCHISEDunfranchised adj. Not franchised.
UNFRANCHISED adj. not franchised.
UNFRIENDSHIPunfriendship n. Unfriendliness; enmity.
UNFRIENDSHIP n. (archaic) unfriendliness.
WINDSURFINGSWINDSURFING n. the sport of surfing on a sailboard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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