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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, F, 2I, M and R

CYLINDRIFORMcylindriform adj. Having the form of a cylinder.
CYLINDRIFORM adj. shaped like a cylinder.
DEHUMIDIFIERdehumidifier n. A device for removing the moisture content from air.
DEHUMIDIFIER n. an apparatus for reducing humidity.
DEMULSIFIERSdemulsifiers n. Plural of demulsifier.
DEMULSIFIER n. an agent to prevent emulsion.
DIFFORMITIESdifformities n. Plural of difformity.
DIFFORMITY n. irregularity of form.
DISAFFIRMINGdisaffirming v. Present participle of disaffirm.
DISAFFIRM v. to assert the contrary of; to contradict.
DISCOMFITERSDISCOMFITER n. one who discomfits.
DISCOMFITUREdiscomfiture n. (Obsolete) Defeat in battle.
discomfiture n. An emotional state similar to that arising from defeat; frustration, disappointment, perplexity or embarrassment.
DISCOMFITURE n. the act of discomfiting.
DISCONFIRMEDdisconfirmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disconfirm.
DISCONFIRM v. to deny the validity of.
DISINFORMINGdisinforming v. Present participle of disinform.
DISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also MISINFORM.
FAMILIARISEDfamiliarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of familiarise.
FAMILIARISE v. to make familiar, also FAMILIARIZE.
FAMILIARIZEDfamiliarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of familiarize.
FAMILIARIZE v. to make familiar, also FAMILIARISE.
HYDATIDIFORMhydatidiform adj. Resembling a hydatid.
HYDATIDIFORM adj. having the shape of a hydatid, a fluid-filled cyst, esp. one containing tapeworm larva.
INDEMNIFIERSindemnifiers n. Plural of indemnifier.
INDEMNIFIER n. one who indemnifies.
INFORMATISEDinformatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of informatise.
INFORMATISE v. to convert (something) into data or information, esp. for analysis, processing, or consumption by computers, also INFORMATIZE.
INFORMATIZEDinformatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of informatize.
INFORMATIZE v. to convert (something) into data or information, esp. for analysis, processing, or consumption by computers, also INFORMATISE.
INFORMIDABLEinformidable adj. (Obsolete) Not formidable; not to be feared or dreaded.
INFORMIDABLE adj. not formidable.
MODIFICATORYmodificatory adv. In a modifying manner; tending or serving to modify.
MODIFICATORY adj. tending to modify, also MODIFICATIVE.
PREMODIFYINGpremodifying v. Present participle of premodify.
PREMODIFY v. to modify beforehand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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